a good day

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    I'd planned on spending the entire day "en femme" cos i did'nt have to go out,so i got myself dressed,did my makeup and the like.I sat in front of the Telly to watch the england v wales match...football( boring game!) i'd been sat there for half an hour when the phne rang..it was mt brother who'd come round to pick some things up.I'd recently told him what i did but he's never seen me "en femme" before,so as i opened the door to him,i thought...what the hell ,you go for it.He was not fazed one bit...not one bit!! i can tell you that made me feel really good inside.We sat there for a while before he had to go.He just treated me as normal.I thought things couldn't get any better for me but they did get much better.Later on that evening i had a visit from my mum,who's often round at my place.we sat and had a chat about all sorts of things when i said to her,"you fancy a cuppa"..i'm sure i heard her say"yes please maria".She'd never called me that before,but she's always known my femme name.I mentioned to her the fact that i'd like my dad see me dressed but she said that wouldn't be a good idea cos he would not like it,so i said to her "well,why not"?When she went,she said "bye maria honey,i'll call you tomorrow".I KNEW i had'nt just heard things earlier.That was the first time she'd ever called me "maria" and i felt soooo good i just wanted to cry i was that happy.I know to some people it doesn't sound like much but to me it felt like a big thing!After a few glasses of wine...large ones,i dropped into bed with a huge smile on my face and in my heart too!!