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    Why i hear you ask???..well, i've recently tried to get in touch with a few friends that i made when i first joined TW over a year ago now.I have sent umpteen emails and greetings..have i had any response...have i hell as like.I mean,there may well be a good reason why i have heard nothing from them..i just wish i knew what it was.It makes me wonder why i bothered trying in the first place..maybe it was me they did'nt want to talk to..who knows.But enough about them,i have more than enough good friends here on TW to keep me happy..chris,jj,clair,mandy,cerys...but there is one in particular that i consider to be my best friend.We talk all the time on the phone,and when i've felt sad ,she's been there for i have for her.Infact in one of her blogs,she apologised for unloading all her prbolems on me.I told her off,saying" hell,that's what friends are for","to lend a sympathetic ear,or a shoulder to cry on"when things get bad,as they sometimes do.I'm so lucky to have such a special relationship with this girl , in my own way,i "love her to bits"..she knows who she is but for those of you that don't.It's the lovely...meredith!! .I loves ya honey!!!