big steps.

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    As some of you know,yesterday was a big day for me...i was going to see my GP to see whether he could help me to understand myself a bit being TG and all.I had to go in drab which i d....cos it made me so uptight and nervous.I explained the situation to him,how it made me feel...even had to tell him what cd/tv/ts meant.what he said he'll do is make a few enquiries and he will get back to me in a week or so.When i do go back,i'm going "en-femme"and no-ones going to tell me otherwise.I know that if i do go dressed that i'll be more relaxed and at ease with myself.when i came out of the surgery there were a few tears..i'll admit that much,but they were purley tears of relief,relief that i had finallly mad ethe first step in seeking  professional help.The doc even asked more about TW....mainly cos i told him a bit more about it!I will keep you informed of my progress...cos in 2005 i AM going full-time as maria...and i cannot wait cos then i'll truly be the girl i've always wanted to be......