not giving up

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    i'm not giving up hope of finding somewhere else to live but there's some times really wonder if i'll get somewhere before the 9th may.I went to see the council housing people today and the news wasn't good...they STILL haven't found anywhere yet.I'm looking at private places but all the ones i've seen advertised won't accept people that are out of work lke me so unless i find work and quick then i can forget about that idea,which is why i'm hoping our council can find me one of their places.The alternative is to go into B & B which is NOT what i want at all cos i am better than that,but there may well be no other choice.They were very sympathetic to my cause but they can't give me what they haven't got. I  know in a previous post i rattled on about a certain group....well not any morecos they have as much right to somewhere to live as i do.I came out of the place this morning feeling very down,infact i could have cried there and then but that would have ruined my makeup.I  know i have to try and look on thre bright side of thins but it is hard keeping a smile on my face with all this still hanging over me.It's ven started affecting my sleep too...i stayed up all last night because this was worrying the cr*p out of me.They say every cloud has a silver lining....well i certainly hope it's true cos i could do with some good news to cheer me up......