a funny old night....

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    Well, what a  laugh my saaturday night out turned out to be. I'd been invited to a do at my local so i got meself all done up and off i went.I got there about 8-30, hung my coat up and went to the bar for a drink before i began mingling so to speak. There was no end of people that came up and spoke to me,they weren't bothered at all. Most of them knew me in my male mode but not many of them had seen me " en-femme" before but their reactions were fine. I even had a  few V & C's bought for me by one bloke...i'm sure he fancied me cos he said i was very attractive...yeah right!.I think the most surprising thing that happened was that several of the regular crowd hadn't seen me en-femme before and they were all very complimentary about how i was dressed which brought a big smile to my face.I stayed there til gone 1 am sunday morning ...there was still people there then.I knew i'd had a good night when someone who used to take the p*ss out of me when i first started going in the place came and started talking.Boy did i feel it the following morning cos i had a hangover but i felt it was worth it cos i had a great time.Now i've had an invite to the wedding ....not just the evening do but the whole thing i have to find something suitably classy to wear and i might even have a hat to go with it.The way i look at things now is...i am who i am and if certain people can't handle that well it's too bad.when people look at me in the street i just smile back rather than ignore them....it's not ladylike to ignore people and when you see the looks on their faces when i smile back then it's worth it. All that matters is that at the end of the day i'm just happy being me.....and i wouldn't change a thing!