In Oct/Dec of last year i was toying with the idea of training as a counsellor, to try & help those in our local community who are TG & need help/advice about certain matters. I gave it a lot of thought & had until things on hold indefinetly.....until NOW. Why the change of mind?..well mt ideas are just THAT at the moment ideas, but wednesday could change all that as i have an appointment to see the people at NWES ( Norfolk & Waveney Enterprise Scheme, where i'm going to puy my ideas to them as i'm thinkin of becoming a self-employed counsellor. Now i KNOW this is only the first of many appts i have to see them,but like i've always said to myself.... " you won't know if things will work out if you don't at least try". It wont be easy but if i can get some good sound business advice & help then i truly feel deep inside that i can pull this off. Of course theres the chance it may not work in which case i can say at least i gave it my best shot...but this time i feel different about it, like i got this voice inside my head sayin, go on girl you can do this. I mean, we have help places all over town like samaritans & CAB but there is nowhere in town to go if you are TG or an SO &you need helpand guidance & if i can help just ONE girl or SO to feel better about themselves & to see that just cos a person is transgendered it doesn't automatically make them a child molester, rapist, freak etc.... which is what some sections of society think) then i'l feel i have succeeded . I have experienced a HELL of a lot since goin FT, some good some bad & helpin peeps purely by sharin my experiences with the, is something i've always wanted to do and NOW it looks like i'm going to my my chance to shine......wish me luck Girls!