the GS PP's weekender Day 2

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    The previous day was a mad rush. Being with Debbie and Monique at their makeovers and then going to Pink Punters had been a whirlwind. I had been asleep roughly 4 hours when i heard knock at my door.

    "Can i clean your room?" came the female voice.

    "No thanks." came my dishevelled reply. i woke up with a start. it was 10:15 and i was bleary eyed. i was wearing my favourite black nightie and was in no mood to let anyone into my room. i decided to get up and look forward to my day as me. i made a cup of coffee and then came another knock. i stumbled to the door and looked through the peep hole to see Debs standing there. I opened the door and let her in. my hair was a mess and i must have been a sight in my night dress but she didn't bat a mascara clad eyelash.

    "Can i borrow your lighter?" she asked. i shuffled to my bag and gave her it. she was dressed in a black lace top and skirt and looked fresh faced. i felt anything but. i had to go out for cigarettes and get some money but i didn't want to do my make up yet so i commited a cardinal sin and put on jeans and my male top and trainers. i was only going out for a few minutes. then i realised my nails were painted blue. Debbie had kindly painted them while i was at the makeover. i looked at my finger tips and smiled. She left and i went out to get the things i needed without a second thought.

    when i came back i had a shower and got changed. this time i shaved, put on my face and wore a oatmeal coloured t-shirt with a flowery pattern, my jeans and pink platform heels. looking in the mirror i felt better. it was approaching midday and i was ready to face the world properly.

    I grabbed my bag and went to get Debbie and Mon. they weren't in their rooms so i guessed they were in the bar or having a smoke so i made my way downstairs in all my feminine glory. the 4 hours sleep had refreshed me some and the excitement of seeing my new girlfriends gave me energy.

    As expected Debs and Mon were outside and seeing them lifted my spirits. Debbie was amazed to see that thing called the sun, (apparently its rare in Scotland) and she had changed into a flowered dress and wedges, she looked amazing. Mon was dressed in a cowled neck jumper and jeans and she too looked fab. i was glad i wasn't the only one wearing jeans to be honest. We then made our way into the bar and decided to have a drink and recap the previous days events. needless to say, more alcohol passed down our necks and we slipped into easy conversation. Monique received a text from Jacqui to say she was running late so we had some time to gossip and chat. the time flew by.

    Banter was exchanged and the girls both looked at ease. i went outside for a smoke and a young girl came outside with her elderly friend. she suddenly began to ask me loads of questions and she was excited as she was going to the club that night with her new boyfriend. She asked to see my shoes and we chatted for a good few minutes. the conversation between us women was nice and refreshing. i felt even better now and as i came back into the bar i could see Debs and Mon were having a good chat too. the bar in the hotel wasn't busy but soon more girls came in, various outfits were on display and all the girls looked amazing.

    Mon received a text saying Jacqui was lost in Bletchley and soon we were talking about how excited we were to meet her. A little while past and then we got news that Jacqui had arrived so we all piled out to see her. as she got out of her car we all gave a big smile and one by one a big hug. we were now the fab four and she looked amazing and one thing about Jacqui is the wonderful smile she has. after chatting about sat-navs and getting lost in Milton Keynes, we got Jacqui checked in and feeling at ease. then when that was done we all made our way back to the bar, (shock!) and began to talk about the journeys and previous days exploits. It was getting on for 3 o'clock and Debbie made a comment about not packing extra false lashes. well this was the moment.

    "Lets go and find some then."  i said. Debbies face drained in colour slightly and she grew concerned.

    "There's a Boots up the road." Monique said, excitedly.

    "i haven't been out before." Debbie said and she wasn't exactly jumping at the chance but after a few words of encouragement from us she agreed and we all got in my car.

    Driving to Boots we were all excited and using Monique as Sat-nav we found the retail park she had described and parked a short walk from the shop. Getting out the car the four of us made our way to the store. There were no dissparaging looks and we entered to find heaven.  i saw some earrings i thought would look great with my dress and Monique and Debs went to the next isle and looked at eyelashes. Jacqui wandered off and was looking at other items a little way away. we had briefly split up and i picked the earrings (silver chains with a blue feather in case you were wondering,) and met Mon and Debs. Debbie was holding some lovely lashes with sparkly stones in them.

    "What do you think?" Debs said.

    "lush."  i replied. "Do you want to look at anything else?" i asked. Debs shock her head. if given the chance and finances i'm pretty sure i would have bought some make up as well but satisfied with what we had we made our way to the till. I went first and Debbie and Mon were behind me. i have no idea where Jaq was. I walked up to the till and as the two open tills were empty of customers both Debbies and i got served. the young girls behind the till were full of smiles and offered us advantage cards and no sign of ridicule. after getting my purchase and saying goodbye in a cheerful tone, i made my way to the door only for mon and debs to call me over to the foundation section and they showed me the cleanser Pops had told them to use. No7 make up remover. £8 a bottle. i thought i'd give that a miss then i decided to test a foundation on my hand as Monique was telling me the make up she used. a sales assistant asked if i was ok and i turned to say i was fine when i saw Debs standing by the door, arm across her and looking very nervous. she had become detached from the safety of the group and she was looking petrified.

    "Come on girls." i called to Mon and Jaq. "we'd best go." and i made my way to Debbie and asked her if she was ok. she looked pale and her confidence was fragile but she still gave a sweet smile and she seemed releived to have her friends by her side again. taking her hand we left the store and decided not to go anywhere else. So this mission was accomplished. we had gone shopping. it was so hard to remember that this was Debbies first ever such trip and in hindsight i should have kept her closer. once in the car she seemed to regain composure before exclaiming how much fun and how terrifying it was. we all agreed it was a fab experience and a great chance to be outside. We felt like girls on a shopping trip and no matter how brief it was, it was something to cherish.

    Getting back to the hotel bar, the quite handsome french barman (i thought so anyway, the girls were still getting into their seats and i don't think paid him any mind) came over and offered to top up Debbies drink which she didn't refuse, unsurprisingly seeing as she needed to calm her nerves, and once the moment had passed we started to chat again. The group had been outside in the 'dreaded daylight' and survived. The key was confidence and strength in numbers. Not once did i feel self conscious or afraid. I was out with my friends and this feeling made me feel invunerable. if only that feeling happened every time i went out. I felt relaxed and normal, as though this was how it was meant to be. i wasn't a man in womans clothing. i was me. a female out with her friends and having a girly day out.

    Moving on now, it was time for the last member of the troupe to arrive and when Debbie received a text from Vikki saying she was here, her face lit up once more and we again went outside to meet her. From the first few seconds of meeting her, we were laughing. she told a joke about Burns, (some scots hero from what i gather,) and the whole group felt familiar. it was like the chat room in flesh and there was no uneasiness or awkward silences. we got Vikki checked in and went to her room to see what outfit she had brought and a view of her smalls :/

    we agreed to leave her to get ready and then made our way back to the bar, (sound familiar) Vikki came out in a black dress and the cutest black tights with hearts on them. we ordered a meal and agreed after the meal (around 7.45) we would go and get ready.

    We ate in comparative silence, i think Debbie, Mon and i were starting to feel the effects of our night out and tiredness was creeping in. Finishing up, we paid and left agreeing to meet between 9 and 10.

    I had another shower and shave, moisturised and began to get ready. i put on my make up surprisingly quickly given how tired i was and i put the television on, i picked a music channel and the pop songs they played gave me a party feeling so i was singing and applying make up. all in all it took an hour and once i had my dress on and my wig i looked in the full length mirror, i added my new earrings, which did go with my outfit, and put on my blue heels which were new and they pinched. now i know girls complain about heels and for the first time in my life i actually wished i had worn a different pair because within an hour my feet felt like they had been put in a vice. Looking good it seems comes at a cost. Anyway putting my bag on my shoulder and adding gloss to my lips i opened my door and turned right to check on Debs.

    I knocked on her door and there was silence. "Debs, its me, you ok?" i asked.

    She opened the door and i could tell she was distressed. Her make up wasn't right and she was starting to panic. i tried to calm her down and i was thinking of offering to help her but i didn't want to add to her problems so i told her to take her time and we'll wait as long as it takes. just relax and don't panic. i don't know if she wanted my help but i thought i would be a hinderence rather than a help if i had stayed so i left.

    Monique was waiting outside and she looked great in her purple and black rose dress. her black and purple heels were to die for and she oozed confidence. One person that had really come out of her shell and showed confidence through the weekend (other than Debbie) was Monique, she showed me her long nails. dark purple talons that looked scary and sexy in equal measure. we saw huge groups of girls leaving the hotel, some in costumes (Army, navy, red riding hood and bo peep to name but a few) some in fierce dresses and heels. all big hair and looking amazing. a large group led by a girl called Sarah offered us to come with her as we could get in for free. we declined, thanking her for the offer as we had friends we were waiting for. it was quarter to ten and no sign of Jacqui, Vikki or Debs.

    then Jacqui came out in a black and copper print lace dress that made my jaw drop. beaming from ear to ear as she always did. "Oh my god, you look amazing Jacqui. i love that dress and you look amazing." i said. She smiled even more and returned the compliments to us both. standing outside we saw all kinds of groups come and go. Real girls off out, groups of lads doing the same and loads of t-girls all chatting and the mood was lighthearted and excited. Vikki came out next in the lightblue dress she had brought. it fit her very well and then the only one  left was Debs. i decided to go find her and i walked up to her room. Knocking again she came to the door, not looking very happy. her make up was great, she looked great in her black dress and wonderful killer heels but she seems far away. something wasn't right and she wasn't sure. i would kill to have her look.

    "Come on hun, you look great. honestly, lets get outside and get some fresh air." i said no word of a lie passed my lips and with a final check we made our way down stairs where she was greated warmly by the rest of the girls. Now all together we made our way for the big night out. as we walked to the club we saw the massive tanks and army vehicles outside, various people were having pics taken and the atmosphere is electric. its military themed tonight and none of us knew about it. Debs goes to get some money from the cashpoint and we reach the front of the queue after talking to some girls who are on a burlesque night. waving Debs over we enter the club and its heaving. We order drinks, debs has a water, the girls are on various mixers and lager and i have a blue WKD to match my outfit. i soon wish i hadn't as it taste like the icepops i had as a child Yuk! i stick to JD  and coke for the rest of the evening.

    Debbie is perking up and begining to return to her witty and charming self. Mon is chatting away and Vikki is busy blowing her hair out of her face Jaq is smiling and looking ever so regal and i am taking it all in. i take a few photos and mainly we are drinking, chatting and laughing. i leave to go to the bar and find the most drunk girl i have ever seen in my life chatting to Jacqui, Jacqui has a look of panic and forced humour as this girl talks gibberish. I  think she shes Jacqui as a mother figure. the girls friends are trying to prise her way but no joy. Mon and debs return from having a smoke and suddenly we are laughing as this girl is using hugely inappropriate words and making no sense. everytime she lifts her glass we all move away in case we get drenched. finally she departs and we look at each other and laugh. the rest of the night is filled with chat, drinking and random people joining us.

    I was getting rather drunk and wanted to dance. big mistake as the dance floor was heaving and we could barely move. Our street dance routine isn't going to work here. so we head back upstairs where vikki assaults the senses with an alleged perfume called Beach. debs renames it  bleach and i almost chock to death on it. a visit from a creepy admirer and then outside for our final drinks.

    Mon is chatting to a guy who is loving the atmosphere and Debs is chatting to a bar man who also loves to dress up and as he shows us pics, he looks to me like Tia Carrera (from waynes world and various tv progs) the morning air is cold, its nearly 5 am and i am starting feel very tired. Monique and Debs shared chips and me, jaq and Vikki stand by one of the large fires.

    Soon its time to go and we all totter back to the hotel. I notice heavy frost on the car and i am glad i wore opaque tights tonight. once inside i take off my heels as i can no longer stand the torture. we all realise this is the end and we hug in the hallway and a few tears are shed. the night has coem to a close and we all go to bed. again for 4 hours sleep. it doesn't matter, the time that has gone by is not enough.

    In the morning we say our goodbyes knowing the weekend was something special. friendships have been forged and a feeling of sisterhood is present. after giving Mon, Vikki and Jaq big hugs we say our goodbyes. I take Debs to Luton airport. we talk in the car about how it went and how we go back to normal life, we begin to get a little teary eyed and emotional. Pulling up at the airport, i give Debbie a huge hug and tell her i'm so proud of her. it took a few months and lots of excitement but she finally made it out and she did herself proud. we say one last goodbye and then we go our seperate ways.

    One thing is for sure, since we came back it has left a huge impression on us. Experiences have been shared and friendships forged from a weekend that we will never forget. I know that, for one weekend i met 4 of the most genuine and wonderful people i could ever hope to meet and that will keep a special place in my heart until the day i die.


    For my friends xxx