JUNE The Car goes BABOOM...Wendy does not.

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    It's not like I didn't have enough problems in my life already. Most of them could be dealt with if I put out considerable effort. That is until this morning. I headed out to take care of the top item on my list. The rings blew on my engine. Power dropped and an incredible cloud of smoke poured out of my exhaust. People must have thought I was James Bond eluding the bad guys. Bottom line: $1400 for the cheap fix. It could have been worse. I could have been en femme. :-D I've had the car since December and only put a few hundred miles on it. It made all the differnce in my life for being able to work and get back on my feet financially. I'm not complaining.

    The point is, that during the entire day I only lost my temper once. When I dropped the cover of the Oil fill-hole, and it rolled under the car, I said "Damn". Not loudly, but with feeling. The effect of the loss of the car is devestating on my life/plans/future. For someone renowned in the past for their short-fuse (I will never hear the end of the story of the hole I punched through a door], this was pretty remarkable behavior. It indicated to me that my self-control, demonstrated last month under not inconsiderable stress and provocation, was not a "flash in the pan". I seem to have really begun to deal with life differently. Upset? Sure....but thinking and dealing with the problem cooly and effectively, even while my car was streaming smoke on the freeway like a destroyer at the Battle of Jutland. I have to say I am pleased but I do hope that, if I am being tested, that was my Final Exam. :-( rotf. Seriously, this Old Testament stuff is gettng.........old. Maybe it's been Wendy all along running my professional crises. I have always remained calm in life-and-death situations, but the opposite in personal disasters. It feels so strange to sit here, my life devestated, and smile. Wendy has taken over my Ship-of-Life and apparently intends to stay in command from now on. I must say that I am pleased with how it is working out.