Minor cave-in in the Gender Mine

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    Well, today I made a mistake. A gender-mistake. It's really not a problem, but it is significant. I identified myself as Wendy on the internet. In retrospect, I realized immediately that I should have used my "legal" name to avoid any possible future complications. What happened was that I was not mentally-drab. I was there as part of my Wendy Larsen life, that becomes more and more of my total life all the time.I had gotten there from a TG-related site but the new site was not TG-related.....but it was Wendy who went there. It NEVER occured to me, until after I had commited, that I was anyone but Wendy.....that I should use my drab-name, which I should have, for practical reasons. The significance? A question of degree of self-identification. What makes it more interesting is that yesterday I had a bout of doubt. Wondering if Wendy was real. Yet, today, I forgot there was a "him". I used to forget that there was a "her". It feels like some kind of threshold or waypoint on a journey...like passing the roadside stop with the giant dinosaur model in front....significant because you noticed it as opposed to endless farmhouses and fields. I am beginning to get mildly bothered by the inconvenience of wanting to still stay "stealth" about being TG and having things I'd like to do that would require dropping that stealth. This has gone way past "I am forcefully driven to dress up alone sometimes." This isn't what "he" expected to find when I came to Trannyweb almost 4 yrs ago.