Trying to save a life

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    Its  been said that  I  have a  big  heart and  I do  beleave its true. At the  end of augest 2013  I recived something in my  email account.  I  had recived a request form a person who at the time souned very  friendly and was in need of someone to  chat with. So  I  started to  corispond  with  them  and  I  begain to  hear there story.  This person was from Russia  living with there  parents and one younger sister and another person in a 3 room apartment. They explained to  me that living there was  not  as easy  as we all do  over here in  North America. they went  on to explain that there  family is  not  rich  and any  money that  comes in to there  place goes to  support the  family.  this  person explained  that they  had  been in a  relationship with someone  who  was  killed in a  collition  wile  out on a  bicycle ride. There story  deeply  touched  my  heart and  after  learning  all this and  hearing  how  living conditions there  in Russia  is  I  felt compelled to do something about it . in  my  past  I  have done things  to  make  it  from  month to  month try  to  save a dollar or two . I  know  how  it  is  not  having money to spend on one self  only to  have to pay off  a  bill thats  behind  or have  to  buy  food . This  person I m refuring to  is  my  Gf  Elena.  Over the  past  few  months  writing  back and  forth  ive  learned alot  about this  girl . Everyone  tells  me to  trust  my  gut  feelings and  over the  past few  months I  beleave  Ive  found something worth  saving . My  whole life ive  been told that  I  never  do anything right not even for  myself . its  been said that I  help  everyone out  but  myself  ,well  this time  is  differnt .  I ve  had some here say  that i m a  good  judge of  cheritor that i can read a  person good . With every letter  I  have  from Elena  ive  noticed more  and  more that she  is an honest  person.  She  has  told  me time and time again  that she wants  to  leave  Russia for  Canada . We have  talked  about  me  as a  "CD " and she tells  me that she  supports  me in what ever  I  do  and that It might  be  fun  for  her . For the  longest  time  i ve  looked  for such a person who  accepts  me as  "Karen "   and  I  now  beleave I've fund her . I know  its  hard to  love someone who  I ve  not yet  met in  person but I  do . Some of you  have said I should  not  invest in this  person that it  may  lead to  a heart ach .  over the  past  few  months ive tried  to  give  up  on her  and just walk away like so  many other times and dreams ive  abondoned . I Love  this  girl  and I  feel  her  in  my  sole . As the  "conilious  brothers song  states "Its too  late to  turn  back  now "  ive  falling in deep  love with  her  and I  do  beleave  our  destenies will unite  very  soon .