Back to the Darkside

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    Its  been sometime  since  I  last wrote a  blog  and I  ve  had  mixed  feeling about doing  one . Lately  I  find  it   hard  to write one  because  i  feel that  no  matter what  I say  here it does  nothing  or  goes without  much or any  notice here . Winter can  be a  good  time  to  take  the  time  to  think about  things like what  to  fix  when spring  comes  . Spring  is coming  soon and soon  it will  be  time  that we  think about  taxs and doing  spring  cleaning  in our  homes or garages  or  even in our  lives . I will  have  lots  to  do  here mostly  monitor the snow  melt and  keeping an eye  on my  basement  for flooding .Planning  out  what  repaires  that need to  be  done  first .Soon I will  be with  my  new  Gf  and  this  could  mean a lot  when it  comes  to  me  beeing  "Karen Tea". For  now   our  relationship  is on track  and going  very well .  I  m not shure what this  means   for  my  dressing or even my  time  here or  on any site . All I  can say  at this  time  that if  you dont  hear  from me  then All  is well  and  I  ll  just  fade away  from here  like  most  of my  old  friends  from  TW and others from  GS.  This  is  NOT   Goodbye  , Im not  leaving  !!   I m just  fading  into the  darkness  or  heading  back !

                For thoes  who  know  me  best ......May the  force  be with you ....Always  !! ..............Karen Tea