"From a lost friend to a Wife.

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    My  story  begain  during the  summer  of 2011.  i  had been put  into  a very  tight  situation between  two friends.  i  had been  a friend to  a member  who  i  will  call "stormy"   Stormy  and I had  been friends over the  course  of  a  year  and a half.-  we  had  be come  very  close  and  we  both  like  chatting  together.  during that  time  i  was  asked  if  I  would like  to  add  a friend of "stormy's" to  my  list  of friends ,so  I  did.  Stormy  had  said  she  was  a good friend, but  had  some romantic ties to  gemma.  Gemma  is a very  hot looking  TG  and from all the  chats we  had  I never thought  she  liked  me.   As  the  months went  by  i never  spoke much  to  Gemma at  all. Then  out of the  blue   one day  Gemma  tells me that  she is falling in love with  me. i felt  very touched  by  all this but  I feared  something .  So   one day  I  had  this chat with  Stormy  and  I told her  about  what  gemma had  said to me . I  had  no  idea  what  I  had  done by  telling stormy . She  was  totaly  "Pissed  with me  and  she  acused  me  of "Stealing"  gemma from  her.  Today   Stormy  no  longer  talks to  me and  I have  tried  many times  To  explain. But  It seems no  amout  of explaining  or  apologeis has  brought  stormy  back.           So i  would like to  ask my  dear sisters here  what do you think??      Did  I  "steal"  Gemma from  Stormy ???