A "tragic" end after transition

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    My  story is a short  one but also  "tragic". There  Is  Legend within  my  family that was  never talked  about.   there  are  some here who  can relate to this. the  tought  of  a family member  who wants to  be  a "girl or woman", but  told this  is  "taboo".  As  a Cd  growing  in  my  teens  i  first heard about  this  distant relitive that became a "woman".  For  many  years  I tyied to  find out more about this person and  like some families  refused to talk about  it.  This  distant relitive  I have  was   20 years  old when  Robert made a choice in life.  As  a child  they had  a  very  tuff  life.  there  parents  devorced when they was 11 years old .  liveing  with 2 other siblings and  there  mother  was  tuff .  there was  times  thought his  young  life that  his  mother disowned  him and the others as well .  Roberts  had  been very close with  his  father until  he  passed away .  he  had  been  living with  a step mother  who was  very abusive   mentaly .   Having  a troubled  past  Robert  was  placed in the  care of a Surogate.   At the age  of  17, Robert   Made  a  huge  change  in his life  to try  and  change is  past .  He asked  his  surogate  to  help  him and she did .  At this  time   he  had  been  living  as  a  TS   and  in the  city  of  Toronto ,Ontario  , Canada .   In  Toronto  he  attened the  Gender clinic and  was  given the  OK  to  Transition  over  to  "M to  F ".   It  had taken  Robert now  Roberta   just over  4  years of  transitioning .  During that  time  Roberta  tried  to reconect  with  his  family  and  hearing that  he  had  transitioned into a  young woman they  forbid it .  So  wanting  a new  life as a  "pre op " woman  they  moved  to  florida.  For  resions  unnown  on  New years eve  1982  Roberta and  a  friend   tried  to  cross  a  6  lane  highway and was  struck and  killed .   For 9  months after  Roberta s death  she  had  been a  grave that was  listed as  "unkown "  .  Roberta s  oldest  sister  had  been  searching for  her  til  found  out the  tragic  news  of  her   TS  siser  "Roberta "



    "This  was  writen  in  memory  of     "roberta  Tate "  who was  tagicly  killed   new years  eve  1982 "