The end of the line

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    A 100   years ago  history  was  made   in  canada, when the  Canadian Pacific  Railroad  crossed  canada . In 1885  my  City   "North Bay"  Ontario was  part and  was  founed by thoes  rails .For  1oo  years  railroading  has  been  the  life  blood  of  my  city and  its  people along with  logging  and  mining .  On  September  28  , 2012    A  Ontario  govermemt  owned   railroad  anounced that  its  passenger and  frieght  rail  service  was  coming  to  the  "end  of line " .    this    railroad  the  "ONR "  offered  passneger  train service  from  Moosenee ontario  to   Hamiltion Ontario  .  It was  knows as the  "Northlander  train " , they  all so  offered  bus  servis  and  telecomunications to the  norther  part  of  the  province . It s  a  sad  day   in my city  for thoes  who  worked so hard   to  keep  service alive . 



     I would  like   to  Dedicate  this   Blogg   To the  "Men and Women  who  worked hard for 100  years to   keep the  Ontario   Northland  Railway  and  its  passengrs safe .