"Changed Fortune" by Tanya Allan

    • 68 posts
    May 17, 2015 11:03 AM BST

    This book is the second in the series of Fortune books and is preceded by "When Fortune Smiles" which I would recommend reading first. Also loosely related to "The Other" which mentions and coincides with some of the characters explored in this and the prevoius Fortune book.


    Here we return to the explorations and adventures of Miss fortune (Josie) who has just graduated from University in criminology and as a Post-Op Transexual is attempting to make a bit of a break from her past in Oxford. But despite reassurances from people close to her she's finding it difficult to let go of her past and that the spectre of being a ransgendered individual continues to influence her lifestyle choices. Josie finds herself in an enigmatic new job that requires a certain level of resilliance and calls on her skillset that is arguably reinforced by her personal struggles.


    This book is certainly a welcome addition and continuation of the Fortune series and explores some new topics while retaining some links to older ones raised in the first book. The battle Josie faces and explores here that surrounds her own misgivings about her capabilities and in particular, her inability to conceive and how this will affect her personal relationships, will certainly capture some hearts in the Transgendered community. Having said that, the repitive focus on this point does sometimes detract a little from the spy novel aspects of the book itself and the story. Some light humour breaks the book up a little also which is a nice touch that might bring a smile to those who've trodden the path of Transexuality.


    Overall a good read and if you enjoyed the first book int he series is worth a look if only to get some closure on the previous story (its left a little open ended).


    Available on Kindle