miss Jacqui. i do relate to this conditoning.For i was brought up the same way.
For i have "servants of the lorrd " (preachers ) in the males of Both parts of my family.
Yes i grew up where sex was a sin and dirty and gayness will send you straight to hell.
These teaching have made my male side asexual and to the female sex as to have apearances to apear to be gay
to them.
yes i feel guilt every day when my females desires kick in.
For the Damnation speaches of my life played in my head
When i act ed on myfwomenish feeling anfd act out and or want the attention of the male gender.
To TRY to over come this i had to move away from family and be basicly on my own.
Be cause my therapist said by my responses to some of her questions, that i was being eaten alive from inside.
And that Michelle is more powerful than Mitchell. One would basicly take control.
Being that said .that i have either to relase the beast (the female desire and feelings)or have more pyscholical problems than when i started to her for therapy.
Basicly this is to,let you know that you are not alone on fighting this battle of religion and the inner soul.
There are many here that are next to you with the sword in hand..
Overcome what, your healthy sex life or your guilt for feeling that way?
Hi Jacqui.
It is your life and if your mother and father had not had sex you would not be here. Take no notice of religeous figures telling you how to live your life even if is only ingrained in your mind by the past.
Hypocrites is all they are , they tell you one thing saying it is wrong then they do it. How could the human race even be here without people having sex?. And they bang on about same sex or sex with a trans person being wrong and do it themselves. No one on this earth are more hypocritical than those that preach that bullsh*t , just google how much has the catholic church paid out in child sex abuse cases settled out of court , it is billions.
Be you and live your live the way you want to and get that guilt out of your head. They are the guilty ones not you. My guess is you get one life and when it is over it is over so live it just how you want to "It is your life". When you are in a wooden box at the end of it you don't get a chance to go back and start again.
Nice to see you back. Take care , Julia xx
Take a look at this Jacqui and you can see who the guilty ones are.
Sorry broken link. I will find a new one later.
And here it is. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/04/sex-abuse-catholic-church_n_5085414.html
Take care , Julia xx
I can't really relate to this Jacqui as I am not religious, but you should realise that your feelings are nothing to feel guilty about. Sex is normal and without it none of us would be here! Who you have sex with is up to you and is based on who you are attracted to, not because of a social construction that decrees sex must only be heterosexual. How boring would that be? Whether you are attracted to males or females is irrelevant, it is the desire to be with that person that counts so you should listen to those feelings. Would you rather have sex with someone you didn't find attractive in any way? I doubt it!!
Sadly, there are many in the religious world who refuse to understand anything LGBT and no amount of education will change their views so it's better to distance yourself if you want to find happiness.
Act on your desires and your needs, not someone elses.
Shame is that inner feeling caused by the expectations and rules set by other people, to conform to expected social norms, or their own self imposed boundaries. guilt obviously caused by ones own feeling of not living or sticking to those peoples confines. Regardless of religon, most people have a natural sense of values, that won't permit them to hurt others, you don't have to be god fearing to know that it is wrong to rape another person, hurt them maliciously, steal, whatever, by the same token some of us are born differently, I have found that it helps to not make excuses for what we do, are, but to find out why we are what we are, why we have different desires from so called preconceived social norms. I believe that some people are evil, some are deluded, finding excuses for what they do that would be against a 'normal' persons inborn moral code. Live the life you need to be contented and happy.
I don't have this issue. I'm very sexually liberated and always have been. Our bodies are wonderful vessels for both giving and receiving pleasure. Guess it's hard for me to see anything wrong with it when we're designed by nature that way.
However, I did recently make the accquaintence of a fella who felt this way. He grew up in a strict religious household and though he was aroused by me, he fought hard to stiffle his feelings. It had been a while since I was with a man and--dammit I had needs! But I also had to respect his wishes. Anyhoo, eventually things did start to get a little hot and heavy and I'll never forget him basically crying and saying, "this is so wrong but it feels so good!" Suddenly I was appalled at myself. I felt I was using my goods to force him to compromise his morals. I just snuggled with him and held him the rest of the night because I didn't know what else to do.
I don't know if it's my place to feel this way, but I've got to admit: I was sad...I felt bad for him and others like him who think the things we do that feel good, are, simply by virtue of feeling good, somehow bad.
In the end though, he was a stronger person than me and I had nothing but respect for him.