
    • 107 posts
    June 10, 2023 12:31 PM BST
    Some time ago, I started to listen to podcasts and music on Spotify on my phone.  The amount of music I have heard is in the thousands and I have heard songs I haven't heard since the 80s or 90s and some artists and bands I haven't heard for equally the same amount of time.I have heard from all genres of music I like from Rock 'n' Roll, rock, metal, 80s & 90s hip hop, pop, etc.  For an example right at this moment I am listening to American rock band, Heart in the mid 80s.  It seems if I hear song and see an artist or band I haven't heard for a long time, I put it on my Follow list (and it's getting longer and longer) and I can't wait to hear them.I would recommend Spotify to anyone, whether it's on the phone, PC, games console or TV.