Single-sex spaces

    • 20 posts
    June 28, 2024 10:02 PM BST

    The public toilets at Waterloo Station have always been separate male and female. You approach them along a corridor about 10 metres long then turn left or right at the end. But now there is a new feature. There is a divider down the middle of the corridor with two signs at the front saying men and women, and at the end of the corridor is a male security guard watching people coming in. What is his function? It can only be to advise trans women against entering the women-only toilets. So this is a victory for anti-wokery.

    Interestingly, I noticed this development today, when visiting the facilities. Only three days ago, I visited the same facilities as Ariane, and there was no divider in place. I don't think the restriction is down to me. No one looked at me or commented when I went in.

    • 109 posts
    June 29, 2024 10:52 AM BST

    What about trans men or even disabled people like myself?