Hormone break, sixth day

  • September 25, 2004 8:29 AM BST
    Hi girls

    No bad signs, in the sauna I noticed that my waist has got thinner and I might look even more feminine than last week. Surprisingly. Estrogens probably get me a bit swollen here and there. I still have funny freezing and sweating moments but not very bad. And I definitely feel exactly as female as before.
    Now I still must survive another couple of weeks. I have planned to start with a low dose of estrogen as soon as I´m on my feet again. With an aspirin, to be sure.

  • September 26, 2004 10:55 AM BST
    Okay, I`ll mention that. It could be included automatically. They make a quite complete blood survey.
    Today it is sunnuy and bright and I just count the few left days until my departure. 6 days to go.
