Just a few questions

  • December 5, 2004 7:47 PM GMT
    I read that hormones take away male sexual libido, Does this mean there is a period where there is no sex drive at all? or does the female sex drive take over at the same time. I am concerned about SO and being able to still enjoy our sex life in some form. also I've always thought Hormone treatment was ireversible, such as the breast formation and from what i have been able to glean from reading all your WONDERFUL posts is that when the hormones stop..the body reverts. I am eager to start but at the same time want to be informed about ALL the aspects so I can prepare myself and my SO. You see our sex life is not what he would like at present because That is the time when I am most reminded how ugly I feel my body is, I Know I would feel much better in my intended body but at the same time I dont want the drop in libido to make the problem worse..Anybody have any input?