am i becoming aquatic?

  • December 17, 2004 6:39 PM GMT
    does spiro make everyone so dang thirsty, I swear I drank about three liters of water today and made 8 trips to the bathroom, I think at any moment I will start to grow gills and slide into the ocean on my belly. Does this effect ever lessen or should I expect the major expense of my transformation to be the water bill!
    Just wondering
    Rikki Buff
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    • 1652 posts
    April 3, 2005 3:00 PM BST
    It's your body telling you what your head ought to know already, and I'm sure that it does in your case, Rikki - that you MUST drink plenty of water when on spiro.
    2 litres of water a day sems to be the recommended intake for a "normal" person, so for one who is taking spiro I would think 3 litres is appropriate.
    I never used to bother drinking much water, but since I started doing so, I am quite amazed at the difference to my skin and my health in general.
    Spiro is of course a diuretic so the only way to avoid multiple trips to the loo is to avoid water, thereby risking your health.
    Visiting the bathroom is a small price to pay for good health.
    • Moderator
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    April 3, 2005 3:02 PM BST
    p.s. I doubt if this will cause Darwin's theory to go into reverse, and any of us will de-evolve into fish!
    • 2573 posts
    April 3, 2005 4:34 PM BST
    May help some to take your spiro in the morning, after you get up. Don't know the half-life and time until peak action of hormonal meds but should be in a formulary or available from your supplier. I take my diuretic in the mornings to avoid urinating all night.