Thank you TrannywebGirls

  • August 28, 2002 9:38 AM BST
    Hi girls

    I just want to thank you all for this great forum. I don´t know how I could manage without your backing me up and providing arguments for a conversation about transsexualism.
    It is not easy to defend yourself when accused of "selfishness" and "cruelty"... and "you have been male so many years, why cannot you live the rest of your life like that?" I answer then that would you recommend that to a prisoner, too? Like: You have been sitting in the prison so many years, why should we let you free now? Would you then be happier free than in the prison? Better to stay is more convinient to all of us. Of course, the first few free weeks and months makes your head go round and sometimes you even think of your cosy old cell in the prison. But you would never go back.


  • September 4, 2002 4:08 AM BST
    I feel the same way and that describes what i have felt inside all of my life im lucky i guss when i finally came out to my wife she has supported me 100% in every decision i have made she loves my true self more than the act i put on for so many years I admire your courage for standing up for who you are and wanting to be your trueself i wish more of us were just like you the world would be a better place.
                             love kelly