January 15, 2005 12:00 PM GMT
Well heres the story.
Can i first say its an adaptation of a story i read a while back.
So if it seems familer then thats why. I have changed many pieces of it and it is wrote in my own words as i see the story.
However i thought it would make a good start to our little venture
"Im not going to dress as a girl just so you can convince your
parents your not gay and have a Girlfreind and thats my last word.
Why dont you ask one of your female friends to help you out?"
" You know i cant do that. All the girls I know are nice but i wouldnt trust them.
Also when i wrote home i told my parents my girlfriend was about my height
with a full figure.
All the girls i know are skinny."
I thought "Yes he is right. We only know small shaped girls"
"But why me" I said. "Even if i am friends with you im not gay.
I know I have had a few moments when we have been out but
that dont mean nothing."
Dave, In his most pleading voice said "You are the only one i can trust with this.
If my dad found out his only son was a homosexual it would kill him.
I love my parents good or bad and i just want him to be happy for his last few years
Tell you what if you do it for me i will give you A Thousand Pounds just for the one day"
I thought, A thousand pounds for one days acting i think i could manage that
and it would help me pay the rent on my flat for quite some time.
I said "Ok I cant refuse with that sort of cash in the offering but
how am i going to look like a girl? Im not the most femine looking of guys
and what if your family finds out? I think we would both be in for a world of trouble."
Dave says, " I know this guy lives on the other side of the town. John his name is.
Some people think hes weird because he use be alledgedly involved in strange magic and stuff.
Its all rumours and ive never seen him perform any weird rituals.
but hes brill with disguises has his own shop which sells that sort of stuff.
Kinda fancy dress with a diffrence."
"Im still not sure" I said.
Dave replied " Look if you dont think you look the part after you have seen my friend you can pull out and i will still give you Five Hundred pounds just for trying"
"Ok then ill try" well for even that sort of money i cant not at least give it a go."
"We better get going then only have a while to get ready"
I must admit i was strangley convinced now.
Even if i didnt look like a girl i would still be a little richer.
We drove across town to johns place.
It was down an small alley between to shops.
There was a faded yellow sign above the door which said, Master of disguise and illusion.
I thought, He is going to have to be a master to pull this off.
As we entered a Small man was behind a counter glancing threw
a rather large old looking book looked up. He says
" Hi Dave i havent seen you in a while. How are you?"
He comes from behind the counter and gives dave a hug
while looking me up and down.
"What can i do for you then Dave?"
Dave tells the story about how im to be his girlfriend for the day
and how i need to look very convincing.
John looks me up and down for a while then he turns to dave and says.
"I reckon we can do something very special for you dave"
He points to another door behind a partialy closed curtain.
"go threw there." He says to me.
With that dave says "I have to go and get myself ready.
ill come back in a few hours to pick you up."
With that i walk threw the doorway with John close behind.
" Go behind the blind and strip down" He says.
"Why"I say Still a little abrehensive about this man
"Because i have to change you into a woman.
I have a lot of work to do but you can keep your underwear on for the moment."
I walk behind the blind and begin to take off my clothes still thinking ,
What the hell have i gotten myself into.
A while later im sitting in this rather daunting chair.
Which kinda reminded me of being at the dentist.
John comes in and starts to spread this rather strange looking cream
Over my face and body.
It had a rather strange smell.
While this was happening john was humming a tune which i didnt know.
But then again i didnt follow popular music so maybe top of the charts
and i wouldnt know about it.
After he finished he pointed towalds an old shower.
He said "Now go and wash it off. you will find that your body hair will come off to.
But dont be alarmed you will feel very diffrent when you step out it will also lighten you skin a little.
When you come out then the real work begins."
While im in the shower i can just see John in and out of the room fetching and carring things from all parts of the shop. Then suddenly i stop and peer down at my body. OH MY GOD my hair has gone down the plug hole and yes my skin feels so diffrent.
Dave owes me big for this one.
I eventually come out with a towel wrapped around me.
John takes a look and says "Ahh now we have a clear canvas to create a masterpiece"
Never thought of myself quite like that before.
But ok i had come this far so let him do his stuff.
I lay back in the chair.
John comes over with 2 false breasts and says
"These are the best you can get. They feel and look just like the real thing."
He takes out some glue which for some reason smells
just like the stuff he had been spreding earlier over me smears some across my chest and plants the breast firmly on top of it.
he holds them there for a minute or two then says
" You can see now you may notice that they feel heavy but you will get use to it"
Yes i did notice the extra weight. In fact quite a lot of weight.
John now says "Stand up" with that he pulls out a rather stern looking corset.
"this will give you more of a ladeylike figure. Let me put it round you and strap it tight.
It will make a big diffrence but you will get use to it"
It feels very tight. In fact so tight i have trouble brething for a moment.
"There you are" he says. "You can sit back down now."
"Now one last piece of this is needed to complete your body transfomation"
He opens a box and to my surprise in his hands he holds a false Vigina.
Shit, I think to myself. What is going on here.
I wasnt scared but at the same time was very worried
about how diffrent this was going to be for me.
He says " Now slip this Down there.
You have to put your male parts into that little sheath looking piece running along the side"
I fumbled about with it until i eventually got it to fit.
He gave me some more of his glue and said " make sure you put plenty around the top of it then hold it in place for a couple of minutes while i go and get some other things"
He left me and i did what he said.
A ver strange feeling kind of took me over at the moment.
As if my manhood had been drained and all that was left was the woman inside.
Ater about five minutes he came back in and said
"now sit back and let it all dry while i do the rest of you"
To which i did. that chair now seemed very comfy and even if all this was happening around me i felt myself going to sleep.
I hadnt closed my eyes for what seemed very long
when all of a sudden i felt John shaking me.
Wake up, Wake up. Thats most of it done now you havent much time left and i still have to do you clothes for your trip with Dave.
"Open your mouth" Said john. I opened it and he sprayed something inside. It tasted horrible But he said " Dont worry it will change your voice so you dont have to attempt to try to talk funny just talk normal and it will sound diffrent but more femmine.
With that I got up. I felt very light headed but it soon passed.
My hair was longer now to. It was blonde and flowed down past my shoulders.
John had brought in some underwear which was all very lacy and looked quite nice.
"Im more use to boxers But ill give it a go." I lighthearted remarked.
John looked at me and said with a smile on his face " If ive done it properly you will be wearing these more often"
I thought strange but then again it was said in jest so i thought no more.
I put the underwear on. John helped me to do the clips at the back of the bra.
They seemed to fit very well around my breast forms. It was quite funy having a cleverage and looking down to see them sitting there.
"Now what shall you wear?" remarked john.
"For where your supposedly meeting your boyfriends family for the first time.
Something a little conservative but with a little bit of provactiveness.
I know just the things"
He got me a very pretty dress from off a clothes rail in the corner.
It had straps which sat on my shoulders which felt quite strange with my new hair
and at the bottom was just above the knee. It was in a pale pink colour.
"There you are"said john "Now what about shoes? If you not use to heels then better wear something a little flat."
He got out these rather nice white strappy sandals which he help me to put on and done up the buckles for me.
I was overwhelmed by now and really wanted to see myself. John must have read my thoughts and open a curtain to reveal a large full length mirror.
"Have a look" he said " i dont think ive done a bad job of this"
I couldnt wait. I turned around and looked in the mirror.
I could not belive what this man had done.
No longer was a I standing there looking back at me but a beautifull girl.
I was just so shocked "WOW" i exclaimed.
And that was about all i could say because that was my next shock. My voice it sounded so diffrent no longer was a italking from deep down in my chest but more above it. Much more. I sounded so diffrent.
Next thing i knew was dave coming threw the door.
He paused. Looked at me. I dont think he could belive what he saw.
"Is that really you" he said "Yes its me. What do you think?" i replied.
He looked at John and said "How on earth did you do it and the voice to"
John grinned and said "Well you know me.
With a my normal flare and a little magic"
"We have to go or we will be late."
John Sported"One thing i didnt mention. That transformation will last for about 3 weeks"
"WHAT?" I said
"Yes sorry all the work i have done unfortuntly lasts for a while. Well about 3 weeks"
" Your mean i have to stay like this for 3 weeks? Shit i didnt know that" I blurted out.
Dave exclaimed " Well think about the money".
"Its not the money" I said. "What am i going to do for 3 weeks?"
Dave said "look i got you into this ill make sure your ok for the time"
Before i could say anything else he grabed me by the hand and led me outside to the car.
As he put me inside he quicly run back into johns shop.
I assumed to thank him for what he had done
He came out and we was on our way to meet the parents.
I managed to get Dave to stop along the way just so i could get use to walking in the new shoes i had been given and also to practise my walk which i had never even tried to do other than at some fancy dress party i went to once where i went as a drag queen. But that was just very much to extravigant. I had to calm it down slighty.
When i was happy we got going again.
I thought about it on the way and relised It may be a bit scary but it would be fun to keep this look for a while. In fact a bit of an adventure.
January 15, 2005 1:52 PM GMT
Wicked Mando, when do we get to hear how it went?......hugz Julie xx
January 16, 2005 12:24 AM GMT
Hi julie
Hope your well.
The rest is going to be wrote by other members.
Julie if you fancy a piece of the action then please come post in here
It would be an honour to have a contrbution from your good self.
Mandy xx