Smile to the smileless

  • March 21, 2005 12:29 PM GMT
    I just attended a board meeting where all members are women. I know them all since years, but some of them haven´t met me yet as a woman. I noticed a sour impression on their face, but I gave them one of my sweetest smiles...and that helped. After a while we were as nothing ever had happened. I have used my smile on all who have stared at me during my transition time. It normally melts the ice .

  • March 21, 2005 1:30 PM GMT
    A smile helps you also to pass. It makes your face much more feminine. It is our secret weapon.

  • March 21, 2005 1:31 PM GMT
    gee....triple message...
  • March 21, 2005 1:31 PM GMT
    keep smiling
  • March 23, 2005 12:13 AM GMT
    People dont laugh enuff either, apparently a child laughs on average 100 times a day and an adult laughs twice a day on average.

    Lucy-Very happy on the wine.
    • 539 posts
    March 29, 2005 4:17 AM BST
    I am an unemotional, rational introvert so I don't naturally smile much. But I have noticed the same thing - a smile can really diffuse tension, so I am trying to get better at it.

    Heather Harrison
    • 1652 posts
    March 21, 2005 1:24 PM GMT
    smiling is a good policy. i've noticed when people in the street look at me and don't know what to think, that if i smile at them, then they do know; it somehow puts people at ease, and shows them that you are nothing more than a nice, happy individual. it can only do the public's perceptions good for them to see that. and the same must go for your friends and colleagues.
  • March 21, 2005 1:55 PM GMT

    Brilliant, one of those things that I must have heard before but had forgotten I knew (if that makes sense)

    I'd like to see more smiles in the pics people post here, and elsewhere on the web, on too many girls' pics it seems they are trying too hard to pout or look sulky (or sultry?) for my money there's nothing sexier than a row of gleaming teeth, unless they're on a shark of course!

    Cerys xx
  • March 21, 2005 6:44 PM GMT

    That smile is a load of rubbish!

    Reminds of a time when a local authority in Wrexham introduced talking litter bins in the town centre. They asked you very politely (in Welsh and English) to put your rubbish into them and then thanked you when you did. They lasted about two weeks until the local vandals discovered where the voice mechanism was and poured petrol into it - to great cheers from passing shoppers!!

    Cerys x

    "A smile is a curve that sets everything straight".
    Phyllis Diller
  • March 29, 2005 11:42 AM BST
    Couldn't resist this ..

    Shan, please identify!

    Cerys xx