prescription now diagnosis later

    • 588 posts
    April 7, 2005 8:54 PM BST
    <reliminary diagnosis is enough.>
    That may be the reason why he can make the prescription then, I guess. I wondered about that.

    • 588 posts
    April 7, 2005 4:27 PM BST
    A couple of days ago I talked to my therapist about getting the TS diagnosis. He told me that he has treated a few transsexuals before but could not give me the diagnosis on his own. I will have to go through an evaluation by a specialist group - sending in the right papers - waiting for six months at least - could mean a year before getting the diagnosis. I did suspect this, but still got very upset - saying that this is destructive in view of the positive process I'm in and that the least he could do was give me the prescriptions I need.
    After my emotional outburst I asked him if he considered me mentally unstable. And he said no, quite the opposite. And that he had no problem with my wish. I should inform my GP and have a general health check - it being a "physical matter" too.
    I already have done the health check - a month ago - showing that I'm in very good health. Besides this I was asked to bring some information on the general effects and current state of hormone treatments for my session next week. I guess it's a question of making sure that I know what I'm doing ?
    So, I will have to wait quite some time for the diagnosis. But it seems that I can get the hormones without it. Which is what I had hoped.

    • 588 posts
    April 8, 2005 6:30 AM BST
    just in case there should be some small misunderstanding here: the face in my previous posting appeared because p after < turns into . So, do not take this as an ex<ression of my state of mind.

  • April 8, 2005 7:39 AM BST
    In a way I partly disagree with the principle "diagnosis first, then HRT". Because hormones may also help in the diagnosis.
    A short term low dosis HRT could give a hint if we are on the right track or not. And in that way back up the later diagnosis.

    • 588 posts
    April 8, 2005 3:35 PM BST
    Well, this made me a bit confused. I certainly did not sense any sarcasm, Tiina. And I think your comment was very much to the point, Joni: <her Drs concurrence> - describes exactly what I think and how I feel about this. Even told him so: Only I myself can really know/feel this condition. And I'll have to put in an effort at describing and expressing it. (Which comes quite naturally) He can choose to concur or not. He did in fact agree with me on that point too. And, yes: It felt nice knowing that he does concur with my wishes.

    As for the order of things - hormones - diagnosis - hormones - I did tell my therapist that he could consider prescribing me the hormones as some kind of test even though I myself feel quite sure. In fact, I have made a couple of small tests with herbals... which, for what it's worth, seem to confirm what you are saying, Laura.

    • 1980 posts
    April 7, 2005 4:53 PM BST
    Hi Linda-

    You seem to be of sound mind and body...just not the one you want. I just want to wish you the very best of luck on your chosen path. How nice to know that your therapist concurs in your wishes to proceed.

    Hugs, Joni

    • 1980 posts
    April 8, 2005 5:53 AM BST
    <sigh> Perhaps I should have qualified it with the comment that her doctor appears to have stated that as his opinion also at least from what I gather in Linda's post. No, I'm not a doctor, just trying to offer some support on a decision Linda seems competent to make on her own with her Dr's concurrence. Perhaps I should assume she's of unsound mind and unwell.

    • 1980 posts
    April 8, 2005 6:28 PM BST

    Yes, I took what you said wrong. I'm just a grumpy old bitch and I was in a bad mood last night when I posted it which is not an excuse for me to be nasty like that. Will you forgive me? Are we still pals?

    Hugs, Joni
    • 1980 posts
    April 9, 2005 3:39 PM BST
    Hi Tiina-

    Thanks, Tiina, dear. Usually I'm not so sensitive and if there's more than one way to take something I try to take it the nice way and not the other way, but some days my inner bitch rules.<lol> I'll try not to act so much like someone a house might fall on.<g>

    Hugs, Joni