Excitable boy, they all said

    • 20 posts
    May 29, 2005 2:54 PM BST
    I recently opened an email from one of our resident scamps, Ziggy Encaoua. He wrote to tell me of some upcoming changes in his Defiant Angel site, which I know many here have visited.
    Seems our lad has decided to refit his site into a total of four sites, taking parts of the parent one and splitting into new specific purpose sites. Ziggy tells me the first will be concerned with fashion, another will concentrate on politics, another will be devoted to adult topics(!) and finally, one will be concerned with all things Ziggy, and the promotion of same.
    Since arriving at TW, I've become a follower of Ziggys postings. I know many have had the odd dustup with him, but I consider his voice a unique one in the community. As a friend, I have found him to be compassionate and sensitive. He's always been more than happy to share his extensive knowledge of the TG community with me, and anyone else that might need solid, non-judgemental, non-proselityzing information on TG matters.
    The first site open is the fashion one, http://xdresser.org.uk Its chock full of links concerning clothing, shoes, hair, etc. I visited a few and found some beautiful things I would love to have. Of course, since it's a Ziggy site, count on it containing opinions as well, but hey, that goes with Ziggy!
    I'm happy to recommend it to you all! Visit it soon, I think you'll find it interesting, I did!
    • 2463 posts
    June 3, 2005 1:52 PM BST
    Solange, me and Ziggy have an interesting relationship here. At times we see eye to eye, at others we exchange little terse words.

    Ziggy, when I'm able to I will definitely peruse your sites and give you constructive comments, although I'm sure what you have is just fine. I realize I never sent you any of my writings. Do you still want to see them?
