Another friend knows :)

  • June 25, 2005 1:49 AM BST
    As the title tells you, another friend now knows.

    it started like this: as we (by this I mean myself, my friend who knows and my other friend.) we called into a pizza shop after a night out and they was some mention of a dj who may have had srs on a poster, so we made mention of it but nothing special

    On the way back, He made a jokey comment to me about getting it done and becoming a Lesbian to which my friend in the know asked if he knew, my other friend was kinda shocked and asked if he was joking and I said he wasn't and admitted to it, when we got back we had a talk and explained it was that was causing my unhappiness and he asked what if I go thru with it all and i'm still unhappy, I replied I couldn't get unhappier at the moment and the fact I awake unhappy everyday because of my body is a big clue as to whats causing my problems and he wished me luck with it.

    The clues I've dropping recently he thought was me just joking around. I have a history for doing that, I even told him that when this diet finally works I'll be going out dressed and he had no problem with that.

    He made a joke about cancelling his sub to any site where I could appear and I quickly replied 'so you do look at those kind of porn sites.' to which he got embrassed about and made ajoke about digging himself in deeper.

    so to cap it all, I feel great about someone else knowing and that they were okay with it.

    I only wish my oldest friend could be like this when he finds out but I doubt it plus I think hes kinda guessed and he against it.

    Anyway more people know and thats cool.

  • June 25, 2005 2:35 PM BST
    Well, I have no family that I really talk to, last time I saw them was 2 years ago and I could happily live my life without them.

    I figured its best some friends know as at some point I do plan to move away and start again so in effect I'd be ending friendships but it would be hard to end the friendships of those two who know partically as the guy who found out last night is the father of my goddaugther who I love like family and would find it hard to never see her again.

    But as he was cool about it, I guess when I move I could always vist.
  • June 25, 2005 3:25 PM BST
    Aw, thank you

    Virtual hugs.

    • Moderator
    • 2463 posts
    June 25, 2005 3:30 AM BST
    One small step at a time, right?

    Once again, I like what Sandra had to say.

    Like you, I drop hints here and there. But, as Sandra, and others, have pointed out, once it's told there's no taking it back. In my case it might prove to be devastating. I did tell two of my best friends, and they were cool with it. One has a psych degree, so he was naturally interested in it, and the other is actually a police chaplain. Neither have shunned me nor tried to "convert" me.

    I'm glad this particular part of your life worked out.

    Mere XXXOOO
    • Moderator
    • 2463 posts
    June 25, 2005 2:56 PM BST
    What do you mean you have no family? You have us! And, you're a member of the MSS! That in itself is a ticket to, well, insanity, so maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that!

    I know it will work out for you.
    • 1980 posts
    June 25, 2005 8:13 PM BST
    Hi Lucy-

    Good for you, one step at a time is how the journey is made. And as Meredith said, we are all family here, sisters (and brothers) together. And yes, as Sandra said, there will be people who say they understand or try to, but find that they can't and people who just can't or won't even try to understand, but it's better, in my opinion, to be honest about who you are and if nothing else, you will find out who truly cares for you and who your friends really are.

    Good luck, girl.

    Hugs, Joni

    • 2573 posts
    June 25, 2005 9:02 PM BST
    My friends here care far more about me than my "friends" and family do. My two ex's and one brother are the only ones who even acknowledged my last bithday out of many who know it. More people on TW did, and far fewer of you know it. I may "lose" friends or even family when I come "out" to them, but I expect to gain far more friends as well as being able to live "my" life. I know this will take courage and proper attitude to deal with. Nothing comes without a price. What we are "buying" is our real lives, freedom, a true sense of self. It is true that there is no going back once "she" is out of the bottle. We can move where nobody knows us, hide our femme self, go back to living in a closet...but we can't regain those who walk away from us. It is a decision not made lightly. So is living your life as a lie, as somebody else, and regretting it a lifetime later. I wish I was a child again knowing what I know about myself now.