When people will start noticing?

    • 16 posts
    June 30, 2005 4:26 AM BST

    Some of you might know me from TW chat but I thought i'd create a new thread about this. I've recently been paranoid about not having any changes in my body just soreness in my nipples but then again, it's pretty hard for me to notice anything since i look at myself in the mirror evey 5 min, so maybe it's more visible to an outsider. I mean there're subtle facial chages that i'd never notice myself but there must be a point where people will start noticing? Oh yeah, i'm 20 and been taking hormones for about a month now. thanks!
    • 16 posts
    June 30, 2005 4:52 AM BST
    Thanks sandra, The reason I created this thread is that today the cachier at my local bank gave me this long and weird stare i'd never gotten bofore. it was as if he was studying my face, so I got a bit suspicious..i dunno.
    • 16 posts
    June 30, 2005 5:07 AM BST
    well, i've been mistaken for a girl till about 15 and i was soo soo flattered..=0) and then.. oghhh.. the facial hair distoryed it all. meh
  • June 30, 2005 5:29 AM BST
    About the topic "when people will notice?". I remember that some of my collegues came into my room in the office and asked what is going on. I had then 11 months of hormones behind.
    They did not suspect THIS, but were instead worried if I have a serious disease as cancer. After hearing what it is all about they were reliefed and one lady said: "Gee, now you can come soon with us girls into the sauna". I had to laugh...

    • 16 posts
    June 30, 2005 5:40 AM BST
    so they started noticing after 11 months?? im confused or it happned before? There must have a been a momnet when people would be "unsure"?
  • June 30, 2005 5:55 AM BST
    Probably they noticed something long before that but didnĀ“t have the courage to come straight to me and ask.
    I remember having been the first time out dressed with 8 months of hormones behind. And I had the impression I did pass already then. Anyway nobody gave me a second look when I took the bus downtown and had a walk there.

  • June 30, 2005 6:35 AM BST
    On the other hand those who meet you after the transition have great difficulties imagining you "as men".
    Sonja, who had got to know me as a woman on a training course knows my past but she sais: "I cannot imagine how you have looked as a man...I simply CANNOT".

  • June 30, 2005 1:17 PM BST
    When will people notice? One thing factor I believe is how often people see you. For people you deal with every day it may take longer as the changes are slow and they grow a custom to them as you do. People you know but don't see very often will notice the changes more.
    I have been on hormones now for 16 months and the people I work with have said very little... mostly comments like "You seem to have put on a little weight".... While people I see every few months notice more changes. I have comments from them like "you seem younger have you done anything?" and "Your face looks great, what have you done?". They notice the changes but can't quite figure out what they are.