A Star Trek Icon passes away.......

  • July 20, 2005 8:26 PM BST
    HI All,

    It isn't often that a TV show has such a wide of an impact on a generation that STAR TREK had. One of the main staples of that show was James Doohan, who passed away today.

    "Beam me up Scotty" is probably one of the most recognized lines in all of television. Apparently his final resting place will be in space. Thank you James for expanding what we though possible.

    Michelle Lynn

    PS my Favorite episode..... City on the Edge of Forever.
  • July 20, 2005 9:41 PM BST

    Just heard the news and shed a little tear for the man who gave the world the best rule ever:

    Mr Scott's Law of Engineering "Always double the time you know it is going to take so when you get it done in half the time they think you are a miracle worker"

    Would Mr Scott have ever believed so much of Star Trek would become real life, did anyone in th eorginal series, yet he lived to see the day phones were the size of a deck of cards, worked without wires and people wore silly things in their ears to communicate. Funny how Science Fiction often preceeds fact!

    May he rest in piece and his memory live on for his role in changing the world.


    PS, City on the Edge of Forever is one of the all time greats and one of my favourites.
  • August 19, 2005 5:58 PM BST
    James Doohan was a great actor who not only played Montgomery Scott but did a voice over at the end of"The Squire Of Gothos" as Trelayne's father. the phrase "Beam Me Up Scotty" was coined after The Animated Series & was never used during The Original Series. the closest to it was, "Scotty, Beam Me Up" during Star Trek IV. i was stunned when i heard the news of his passing & it took time for it to sink in. James Doohan was a regular since the 1965 second pilot episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before" & he will be missed. i wish to express my condolences to his friends & family.

    My favourite Star Trek Episode.................... "Patterns Of Force"