
    • 338 posts
    July 25, 2005 8:15 PM BST
    food for thought


    before ripping this to shreads, read it

    not saying its all right, but its not all wrong either
    • 338 posts
    July 28, 2005 4:29 PM BST
    i couldn't possibly comment...

    cept maybe under light torture... or if threatened with a cream cake or summink.

    it did make me think
  • July 29, 2005 8:24 AM BST
    Having read this a couple of times before (thanks Zig) I have had a chance to digest many of the authors points.

    Whilst I don't agree with the entire article there are some very valid points raised, not least about the medical institution's attitude.

    I have to say personally I wear a skirt because it is comfortable and I like them and frequently slob around the house in my denim skirt and a sweatshirt. I would happily wear this in the real world with several days stubble if I was confident I'd not get stared at. OK I sometimes do but that is called a kilt not a skirt!

    The fact that I happily go out in public dressed and presenting as a woman is my choice, I happen to like being accepted as a girl and generally I am. However I have been addressed as Ma'am or Madam wearing my 501's, a t-shirt and trainers having had a close shave and with a bandana on because of a bad hair day so maybe its not just the clothes.

    The main crux of the article is Men should have the right to wear what they want as do Women. If it is socially OK for my girlfriend to walk down the road in jeans, sweatshirt, trainers and have short hair then why can I not be accepted wearing trainers, sweatshirt, denim skirt and have long hair. Just strikes me as simple discrimination.

    Well that's my two pennies worth.

    • 20 posts
    August 3, 2005 1:52 AM BST
    For those interested, erstwhile poster Ziggy Encaoua has surfaced. Ziggy is now posting at Toms is a site concerned with the phenom of freestyle dressing. It's quite a bit different than the 'freestyling' done here, but still worth a look. I'm sure Ziggy will continue posting his always original thoughts there, and happily, they are now available to those who miss them here.
  • August 18, 2005 7:27 PM BST
    great piece

    wigs why

    if youve got hair get to a trendy salon tellem you want to look femiine

    skirts dreeses not for me
    make up great
    means i dont fir the standard tranny model

    also i can get away with wearing basic makew up everyday

    alos the odd female clothes blouses ladies trouser suits low heel boots

    if i pilesd on the slap skirts and high heels no chance

    of course its great to queen up every now again let every one have a peep at your suuspender belt

    come on

    if we are to be accepted small steps crosdresing first

    its hard i hate wigs
    • 1980 posts
    July 25, 2005 9:05 PM BST
    Wow, Clair, what an exceptionally interesting and very thought provoking article, thank you so much for sharing it with. I read through the whole thing without jotting down any notes or anything and I certainly didn't take the time to look up any of the footnotes or references. But I certainly had quite the mixed bag of feelings while I was reading it. Of course I intend to read it again and to share it with friends who are not part of Tranny Web.

    My thoughts are that while I can find certain particulars to take exception to, all in all I agree with the gist of the article. Speaking personally, which is all I suppose I really can do, if I could make this an ideal world I would be able to dress however I pleased. If I felt like donning full regalia I could and if I felt like wearing boy jeans and a cute flowery top I could do that too.

    As to being forced to "overdress" (my phrase, not his) when I go out en femme in order to fool others into thinking I'm a woman, I don't delude myself that that's what's happening. I'm not that passable, but to be honest, I really do enjoy the feeling of being dressed as a woman and I'm as likely to wear jeans and a t-shirt as a skirt or dress.

    To each his own. as far as how you want to dress and the gender manifestation you want to present to the world. I do feel that there is an "all or nothing" sort of undercurrent in the transgendered world, just as he says, and that if you can't "pass" you better just get yourself back in the closet and forget all about it. It would be much better, my opnion again, if we could all just dress and act in the way that feels right for us instead of conforming ourselves to old and rigid stereotypes of what we should be and how we should act.

    Okay, I'm done (for now, anyway). Otherwise I'll just go on and on. I hope there are lots more comments, which I'm sure there will be and I also most sincerely hope that they will shed light rather than heat.

    Thanks, Clair.
