an appreciation

  • July 29, 2005 6:04 AM BST
    I just had an horrid thing happen..I wrote out a long page of updates for my bog, and was starting to feel lighter in my heart for sharing how I was feeling, what I have been going through, and having finished, i signed my name and clicked the "post message" button. then all of a sudden I got a screen saying I needed to log in to my account. I did that, and when it refreshed, All I had written had gone. I felt such a sense of emptiness and hurt, that no-one would read what I had written, and the tears just started to fall and fall. I guess I realised then how much it means to me to have this avenue to vent my hopes and fears and hurts and loneliness. so I've dried my eyes at last, and ill write here instead an appreciation for all who make this possible, trannyweb, and all who bother to post or blog, as it is because of this I feel a little less alone.

    thank you everyone for being there, for your hard work Katie, and all the moderators, you efforts are valued more than I even know myself.

    hugz, Bre
  • July 29, 2005 10:33 PM BST
    Hi Breanna
    reading your post brought tears to my eyes. When I read that someone is upset, I just want more than anything to be able to make things better. I cant stand to think of anyone sitting alone with theirs thoughts and fears and being distraught even though I do it myself. I know its a bit fairy tale-ish but I want to make it better for everyone even though I know its not possible. Blimey Im talking rubbish tonight.
    You have made the right decision that TW is a place of solace so stay with it girl. And keep typing. Together we can gain strength from each other eh Karen?

    Love Dorothy Butterflies begin from having been another (from a song by Eva Cassidy)
  • July 30, 2005 3:24 PM BST
    I would adopt you with no hesitation Karen. My willingness is bigger than my arms so you and all the girls are in my thoughts every day.

    Dorothy xxx
    • 2627 posts
    July 29, 2005 3:51 PM BST
    I've done the same thing half a dozen times. I was allmost afraid to write out more than just a few lines. Than I thought to log out & than log back in. Before I Blog. I had to, once I realy bared my soul just to lose it. I didn't have the hart to do it again. I think it's a time thing I have to log in everyday about 10:30am. I automaticly get logged off.
    I am realy sorry it happend to you.
    • 2627 posts
    July 30, 2005 4:59 AM BST
    Dorothy your a love.
    Would you like to adopt me.
    Breanna hun heres a big hug. Hope your feeling better.