How Can We Help?

    • 86 posts
    August 4, 2005 4:18 PM BST
    I know I am not the only one who hurts watching Katie, Sarah, Gloria, et al. working their socks off to keep Trannyweb afloat,
    and all for OUR benefit, so how can we girls help?

    There already is a very useful debate ongoing about life membership, and this is my contribution in the way of suggestions
    to earn some BRASS for Trannyweb.

    What follows may be seen as anthing from sensible to the rediculous, but if it contains only a fraction of a good idea, then...

    Now I know nothing about either creating or running a web site like TW, but I do know that in this world very little is for free, so may I suggest what might be financial saving. Let's have a TW notice board on which The Tranny Times can be posted for anyone to read, equally, any important TW announcements. Put it in lights if needs be, but the point is that TW regulars read most things already in the forums and the bloggs, and the non-regulars may not bother anyway.

    New Members, full annual only, but with option of a month's trial, at a reduced rate, but not refundable. Existing members to stay as they are until membership renewal.

    A New Members "Greetings Committee",(we girls), to greet each new member, ONE ON ONE, and tell same how good TW is for US, and
    all about the many different TW strands.

    I know that this information is there for anyone to read, but this is the personal approach, which can only make new girls feel
    a part of things from day one...Hey, TW members CARE!..We already know this, and once new members do as well, then they can tell their friends.

    And do follow-ups.

    The Media.

    I am one of those who firmly believes that ANY publicity is good publicity, so why not a TW Press Officer (unpaid), who's first task will be to inform the media about our new Tranny Patron Saint, the best suggestion, to my mind, being St Christine, from Christine Jorgenson...An interview to be happily given by our TW PO...
    For a modest fee!

    Engaging the tabloids. Now I don't mind in the least the Tabloids taking the piss out of me...Provided they pay for the privilige, so have we any Tranny stories (with Pictures) to get the Red Tops salivating?...Or Tranny memoirs?...If not then we could soon create some...For a reasonable fee.

    What about Tranny "Celebs"? Tranny "Paparizzi" photographing
    some of our more outlandish sisters, the Star and the Sport will
    lap it up!...For a reasonable fee!

    And the ultimate dream.

    A page 3 Tranny!

    Not very enlightened suggestions I know, but the media has more BRASS than it knows what to do with, and we want some of it for Trannyweb!

    Oh, and has anyone got any ideas for a Tranny Sit-Com?

    Is there anyone with the talent, and the wherewithall to make a Tranny Movie?

    And finally our own modest talents.

    It is quickly apparant to anyone who browses the various forums, bloggs, and chat that we are very knowledgable and erudite girls, able to converse on all subjects.

    Let's put these abilities to good use.

    My own efforts concern the performing arts, in particular British
    Film Musicals, and thru' my research I am able to post information about Trannies in the movies...I have been seriously thinking about creating my own site to promote my main interest, but instead I offer it all to Trannyweb, to be accessed by anyone as an aid for research or just for interest, but only to be accessed by payment of a fee, or by full TW membership...
    Proceeds for Trannyweb.

    And I am prepared to trawl the net and tell the punters that if you want this information, then go to

    Is anyone interested in Genaeology?

    If so then pick up any non-fiction book you may have to hand, turn to the index, and chose some of the more rare names listed, then, for a fee, offer the punters information about their family name to aid their research. Sounds simple doesn't it?...It is.

    Anyone an expert on the myteries of the internal combustion engine? I'm not, but you get my drift?

    This list could go on, but the point is that we all have at least one talent, so let us use our talents for the benefit of TRANNYWEB!

    One more thing. Because I am retired I know that it is easy for me to pontificate knowing that I have time to devote to my interests, while most of my sisters have to hold down the day job, not to mention families to care for, but if you can find the time to give these outlandish ideas at least a coat of looking at, and maybe offer some ideas of your own, then you won't be doing it for me...You will be doing it for TRANNYWEB!!!!

    Love to everyone. Elly. XXXXX

    PS Who's up for a Tranny float at next years Notting Hill Carnival?
    • 86 posts
    August 4, 2005 5:51 PM BST
    Sarah, As Bluebottle used to say in the Goon Show...YOU ROTTEN SWINE...YOU HAVEN'T DEADED ME THIS TIME...THIS IS FAR WORSE!!!!

    But I'll give it a go, with, I hope, a great deal of help from my friends!

    Another suggestion.

    Explore the possibility of a grant for Trannyweb as a COMMUNITY

    Council, if it's London then write to Ken.
    The National Lottery.
    The Government (Whom God Preserve).
    The European Union.
    Even the Arts Council.

    Love (but not for Sarah...only joking...Ahem!)
    Elly, XXXX.

    • 86 posts
    August 5, 2005 10:07 AM BST
    Thank you Briony for your input...All fair comment, and worth more debate.

    Love Elly. XXXX.
    • 86 posts
    August 5, 2005 4:11 PM BST
    Thank you, Gloria, for your observations, I had intended to contact the both the Guardian and Independant newspapers to sound out the possibility of a weekly "Tranny" column in the supplements.

    Shall I not bother?

    • 86 posts
    August 5, 2005 4:40 PM BST
    Gloria, ref my last post, I should have added "to raise some much needed revenue for Trannyweb"...
    • 773 posts
    August 6, 2005 4:30 PM BST
    Hi Elly,

    I think you have some great ideas, and as Gloria mentioned, much of what both you and Briony have suggested is in the works. I have sent numerous press releases to the mainstream media as well as the alternative media and the free weeklies. Any further publicity suggestions would be most welcome.

    I like the idea of a weekly tranny feature in the mainstream media. It's hight time something like that appeared somewhere. If you could make that happen, you, yourself may be beatified as St. Elly!

    But the primary responsibility for keeping TW afloat falls squarely on its members. Any friends we know who remain at the basic level should be encouraged to upgrade. Our membership is our greatest resource, and we need to take full advantage of that. If we all pull together as a community, we can make a lot of cool stuff happen for all.
  • August 11, 2005 5:55 PM BST
    Hi All,

    One thought, to encourage paid membership, you may want to have some additional service level distinctions.

    1) Still offer a 4 wk trial membership with some changes.
    a. Unlimited "Reading" of public forums.
    b. Limited posting priv (max 2 or 3 day)

    2) AFter the 4 wk period they could covert to paid (w full capabilities) or revert to a read only (or 1 post/day) mode.

    One problem with this would be our young members who may not have credit cards yet and those who are reluctant due to any fear of a paper trail.

    For those reluctant types - It should be noted that the current payment methods DO NOT leave any identifiable paper trail.

    Michelle Lynn