Coming Out in a letter to a co-worker

  • August 22, 2005 5:37 PM BST
    I've decided to come out to one of my fellow co-workers... I wrote a letter for her to read, and hopefully she will accept me for who I truly am... she is lesbian herself
  • August 22, 2005 7:43 PM BST
    What do I expect? Nothing really, except someone I can talk to... she seems like the kind of person who would help me out in any kind of situation...

    Maybe she can supply some clothes, but that's not what I am expecting... you just never know
  • August 22, 2005 8:05 PM BST
    My work life wouldn't be interfered at all... I really do believe she is someone I can truly trust
  • August 23, 2005 10:05 AM BST

    One day a co-workerwas in my office talking "business" and then said "A - Can I ask you a personal question?". "Go ahead" was my reply. "A - Are you a crossdresser?" was the question. It took a few seconds for the question to really register bfore I spoke "Yes, I am but can you tell me what prompted you o ask this qustion Y?"
    She went on to expalain that when girly topics were discussed around the building that I took part in them very naturally. Several girls had comented that when they wore new or different clothes I seemed to look at them in a different way to the other guys in the buildng. I explained that I looked at them to see if what they wore would suit me and not as a lecherous old man. I then showed the contents of a photoshoot to Y and she was over the moon.

    For me it was a great relief. Real girls jealous of my long manicured nails and the fact that I didn't need to shave my legs and friends who would discuss fashions with me.

    I hope it goes well for you G.

  • August 28, 2005 1:13 PM BST
    Well girls, I did it!!!

    I came out to my co-worker last night, and to her partner as well... it feels like a big weight was taken off of me... They both accepted me for who I am, and are willing to provide help for me!!!

    They even called me by my chosen female name, and it felt like new life was being given to me
    • 1980 posts
    August 26, 2005 8:21 PM BST
    Hi Gabrielle-

    Sorry to take so long to toss in my comments, I hope you don't mind if I do. Myself, I respect, applaud and very much understand your decision to tell someone else, whether a co-worker, friend or family member. I'm sure you would not have done so without thinking through the potential complications and consequences and would have thought carefully about who you're telling it to and known in your heart that they were trustworthy. Good for you.

    I have come out over the past several months to my supervisor at work, four close friends and most recently, one of my brothers. Yes, there was a little trepidation, no matter how sure you are, you never really know how someone will react until the deed is done. So far, I have received only acceptance and support. There is something profoundly moving in having someone else know about who you really are even if it never goes beyond that person.

    Good on you, Gabrielle. Hugs and best wishes.

    • 2627 posts
    August 28, 2005 1:54 PM BST
    Good Girl!!
    I came out to one sister by choise. The oyher found out by putting her nose in my life. But in both cases the world didn't end. But a sopportive friend I don't have, other than the girls here. I am very happy for you.
    • 1980 posts
    August 28, 2005 4:50 PM BST
    Hi Gabrielle-

    Good for you girl, as you can tell in my previous post I had wrongly assumed that you'd already told your friend. But now the past tense in my post applies anyway, so it's okay.<lol>

    Several people now know about my "other self" though I'm still incognito in my workaday life and around where I live in general. Perhaps someday I'll work up the courage to be who I'd like to be all the time. Well, all the roads that lead to Rome weren't built in a day...or something like that.

    And as Karen said, if someone who you don't really want to know finds out, it won't be the end of the world. They're not going to take away your birthday just because you crossdress. And at least you will find out who really cares for you and who your real friends are.

    Best of luck on your journey.
