
    • 6 posts
    August 24, 2005 1:46 AM BST
    hi, not really sure if this is my place im a guy from the uk one of few looking at the forum so far, im 17 and was confused when it said to be truthful but then said that no one under the age of 18 is aloud any way not here to complain im here to tell my life story well some of it any way, aslong as i can remeber ive had thoughts and feelings that i dont quite sit right in the world, i was brought up with an elder sister and always felt a little left out, ive always been very close to her and my mother, me and my dad are very close but theres that stupid alpha male thing going on with him which realy aint that good, when i was 7 years of age i gathered the courage to ask my mum if i could ware some of her clothes just to see what they were like on the same day however i was involed with a serios accedent (ask for ferther details) and that day stuck with me, i have told my mum about althis and she is being very suportive and help full (shes the strongest person i know) ive also told my dad but he thinks its just a faze, told my sister to she was cool about it to but im not sure if she took it seriosly out of my close nit group of friends ive only told one, my closest girl friend i prefer hanging out with girls as they seem much more on my level when we talk than boys, all my friends even tho i have few are very close and dear to me and i cant stand the thought of pushing then away from me, i know that they wud never hurt me by using this kind of thing against me i just dont want to be alone, this is getting long winded now ill finish on a high note my hair is hugely thick and nearing waist lenght. YAY

    (sorry for grammer mistakes)

    hope to read replys soon
    • 2463 posts
    August 24, 2005 2:12 AM BST
    Sorry for the grammar mistakes? Do you realize you are more clear than George W.?!?!?!?

    Going through a phase. Yep. I'm sure we've all heard that at one point or another.

    What is it we can do for you?
    • 2627 posts
    August 24, 2005 4:41 AM BST
    Hi Jack.
    If you ask honest questions we'll give honest answers.
    But we need to know what those questions are.
    • 1652 posts
    August 25, 2005 1:03 AM BST
    Hi Jack, I read your other post and I felt this one tells more about yourself. Personally I don’t think it’s up to others to tell you “what” you are, maybe you will discover more about yourself by reading others’ stories, thoughts and feelings here. I’ve never had therapy or counselling but I’m quite sure that I have the condition known as gender dysphoria, which perhaps can manifest itself in different ways. I’m an old git now though (42) so I’ve had longer to think about it. But I have to say, I knew from a very early age that something wasn’t right with me, I strongly wanted to be a girl, well I felt I WAS a girl, just I wanted to be more like the others. At your age I was probably trying not to think about it, though I slightly regret avoiding the issue for so long, despite it always being so strong in my mind. It’s good that you can talk to your family about it, being open is probably the best policy. Don’t worry about your dad, mine’s pretty much the same, the important thing is no-one has to live your life but YOU, so enjoy it. Try not to worry, things will become clearer I’m sure.
    I’m off to Charing Cross in November as I’ve decided to go for full transition. That of course is not the only option so take your time and one day you will discover yourself and what is right for you. I’m sure this site will help. Plenty of girls here will be happy to talk things through with you if you want.