Old Men!!

    • 430 posts
    October 24, 2005 3:42 AM BST
    I find the way that most old men treat womyn patronising. This came to the fore of my thought yesterday at work.

    I had to do a day shift rather than my normal night work. This was the raffles/bingo shift that the oldies love so much. Its not just the love's and darling's they use to refer to me, its the over all tone in the way they talk to me and treat me. I was working with a guy yesterday and the difference between the treatment of the two of us was huge. It was as most of them saw the guy as knowing what he was doing and me someone to make their stupid flirty comments to. Call me odd but men older than my grandfather dont turn me on!

    I sometimes get the odd patronising comment from an old guy when working in the cocktail bar, but as they arent the only customers its not as noticeable. When it was almost all I got........ Wow what a feeling. Its no wonder why guys dont understand how womyn get so worked up! The guy I was working with couldnt understand why I was feeling the way I was. So I explained it to him and he watched for the difference. He was shocked!

    Ok I know this is a little more than a whinge, but I think I have learned a lesson........ I dont work well with patronising old men