
    • 539 posts
    October 28, 2005 11:51 PM BST
    Halloween is, for me, the most important holiday of the year.

    It is a day when people are allowed to reduce their inhibitions, and they are free to dress as they choose, and explore their hopes, fears, or dreams with little risk of violating some silly social norm. For some closeted trannies, it is the only day in which they venture out in public and feel free to express their true selves. For those of us who are considered "freaky" by society, this is the one day in which we are encouraged to revel in our freakiness.

    Halloween is also, by coincidence, the anniversary of the day that I went full-time. So it is an important date, personally, for me. I call it my "re-birthday". It seems somehow appropriate that Halloween coincided with that pivotal day.

    At one time, Halloween was a day that I could go out dressed without fear. Now, it is a day that I can explore unusual fashions or explore my hopes and dreams in my choice of costume. And this year, since it is on a Monday, the entire weekend leading up to it is conveniently rolled into the celebration.

    This year, I will go to one party, see a few friends, and go out for a nice dinner to celebrate my re-birthday. I plan on dressing in medieval and renaissance costume. For some reason, I am drawn to the idealized middle ages - a time which never existed but which attracts many people nonetheless. Perhaps it is a desire for an escape, to simpler times and a somewhat utopian society, that drives my interest. Or, superficially, it could be that I look best in those centuries-old fashions. They cover up my figure flaws.

    Do others here find a deep meaning in Halloween, or do most find it superficial?

    Heather Harrison

    P.S. Yes - I'm still around. I don't post much these days, but I check in every now and then. Just when you think I'm gone, I'll be back!
    • 614 posts
    October 30, 2005 3:19 PM GMT
    ah haloween , yep a good time of the year

    going to use haloween as a theme for my outfit for tx , any 1 no any good web sites for face painting pics ? ive got the paints etc just need a how to do it type of thing now to show me how to paint me face

    any one out there able to help ?
  • November 4, 2005 9:52 AM GMT
    Funny how different parts of the world do the same day differently isn't it.

    Here in France they don't celebrate Hallowe'en at all, instead they concentrate on All Saints Day on the 1st November. Toussaints is the day when everyone goes to the cemetary and places flowers on the family gravestones. It is some sight to see afterwards trust me. As France is a strongly Catholic country (if not practising as much) it is not suprising they would partake in the Catholic festival rather than the Pagan one of Samhain (Day of the Dead) which we now call Hallowe'en.

    Samhain was normally concluded with a human sacrifice to appease the ancient pagan gods in order to keep the people safe for the following year: warding off evil spirits, which we do today with the Jack o'Lantern carved from the pumpkin (or swede in Scotland where pumpkins dinnae grow).

    Where the rest of the Hallowe'en frivolities, such as dressing up as a cheerleader or "trick or treating" come from I'm not sure. I'm pretty certain that aspect comes from North America, another country that appears at least to be strongly Christian but celebrates with great energy an ancient, blood thirsty pagan festival. Each to their own as they say.

    Whatever the case Happy Re-Birthday Heather

  • November 21, 2005 10:01 PM GMT
    This is a good day for us closit trannys I wanted to this year but was afrade to (even to dress @ home) because of some issues @ home
    • 1652 posts
    October 29, 2005 12:11 AM BST
    i can't say it has deep meaning for me, but i do enjoy the excuse to dress up a bit more outrageously. in fact i've just done my nails a very dark red in preparation for tomorrow night (so i'm typing with 2 pens). i'm going for a sexy witch look this year, probably more witchy than sexy...
    heather, if you like the idealistic medieval thing you should watch out for a band called "blackmore's night" who play a kind of electronic medieval fusion thing. it's ritchie blackmore (deep purple/rainbow), and his gorgeous wife candice night on vocals. pippa got me into them and it really is great music.
    happy halloween everyone.
    • 2463 posts
    October 29, 2005 2:23 AM BST
    Hey, Halloween is a tranny holiday!

    Yes, it is one time when people can dress as they wish. I sure wish I could!
    • 1980 posts
    October 29, 2005 1:58 PM BST
    I was seriously thinking of going to work as Joni (tasteful business attire of course, no not "working girl"<g> but I think I would have to really play it down and make it look like it wasn't something I do all the time. I'm afraid I'd get too many questions like where did you learn to do makeup and did you really shave your legs? And the big one, "You've done this before, haven't you?" <lol>
