November 21, 2007 1:16 AM GMT
Hey Lucy,
Thank-you for your response.
To widen the debate a little... but carrying on the theme!
It is a small problem. If I were to show you a photo of one of my breasts, you would see something that is totally unmistakebly female. From the classic orb shape to nipple size, everything is in proportion. A tadge small, but so far so good.
But a photo of both breasts would reveal that 'mile wide cleavage'. And so look a little odd.
I would be very interested to know if you MtF girls on hormones have the same problem? [Ok, your breasts may be bigger than mine, but I can forgive you

] Do you have that MW cleavage?
As the trans community grows in spirit and personality, so the bra manufacturers will sniff their profit. Its only a case of time - I hope - before people start to get on the TG bandwagon and manufacture bra's that pull in from the side as well as lift! [or maybe they're already out there and you know where...]
I'll certainly check out your recommendations, hun.
So much love to you all.
Rae xxx
December 31, 2007 12:20 AM GMT
Hi All,
One other quick point on bra's....
My best girl friend has always advised the minute your breasts develop wear a bra. This was how her mother taught her and what she's passed on to her daughter. Both my friend and her mother are former models and this advice worked very well for them.
It helps shape, form and develop the breast very well.
From a TG pov I can say I wore bra's from the moment my breasts began to shape. I found underwire bra's really help hold and mold breast shape.
I notice the improvement whenever I switch to non-wired. Again, due to that mile wide cleavage, my breasts sag left and right, presenting very little at the front despite ample tissue. Even after a short time with an underwired bra the shape held better in non-wired and the shape had clearly improved.
I don't take hormones as yet but can't see why a TG on hormones would'nt benefit in the same way.
[Hope that makes sense]
Much love
Rae xx
[ps Lucy, am yet to investigate the Panache Atlantis Delight you recommended]
April 10, 2008 8:02 PM BST
before I had my boob job I fitted into A cups but actually felt to have a much larger handful..then when I had smallish implants I found I have to have C cups... but I am sure my C is nowhere near as big as a GGs C...but they look good anyway.
Get the first bra when you feel you neeed to wear very young GGs pesteriong mum for their first bra its more psychological than actaully necessary.
i wear a bra for aesthetic purposes.. want the shape of my body to be nice fitting and curvy