• 128 posts
    April 13, 2006 7:39 AM BST
    This is funny to me and I had to share with you girls. I came out to my oldest brother the other day. He is married w/2 children. I wasn't sure what his reaction would be and was prepared to disown him. He told me he loved me no matter what my sexuality. He then went on to tell me he and his daughter have known I was a tranny for the last six years! Was I surprised! We really got a kick out of the whole thing and I am very grateful for their support. That is why I like this place too....Family.
  • April 13, 2006 11:30 AM BST

    That's great! My family did about the same to me, when i came out t each of them they siad they already knew.. LOL S i was scared for nothing, but was still a great feeling afterwards! Like Karen said I bet you'll be smiling all week!


    ~Valerie x x
    • 128 posts
    April 15, 2006 5:53 AM BST
    Thanks girls, my therapist got a real kick out of it when I told her today. I honestly didn't think anyone noticed the hormones,duh! I still can't get the smile off my face
  • April 15, 2006 9:03 PM BST
    Hi Ladies, I have not done well at all at being much of a part of this site. Writing my thoughts down seems to be drudgery for me. But for this thread I was fortunate to have an experiance with a close friend. I went on vacation to visit a friend and his family for a week in texas. My friend and I often get into some deep conversations about life and try to figure out all of its mysteries, well one night I am confiding in him about whats up with my life and wanting him to know that we are close friends I decided to trust that friendship and spill the beens about my "issue" (i have regularlly mentioned that I had some issues I was dealling with but never elaborated on that) Well, he accepts me for who I am and come to find out he has experimented in the realm himself with some of his girlfriend. It was suuuuch a great feeling to be able to talk about this with someone and not have to skirt around the edge out of fear of getting beat down!! My own father know about this as I have been open to him since my early teen, but wants me to change and "be saved". I know theres no changing this part of me as I have made attempts but never whole hartedly could lose this part of me. I just want to find the support I need to embrace this side and make a living freely. Well, I think i have blabbed enough. Take care all..

    • 128 posts
    April 17, 2006 5:17 AM BST
    Erica nice to hear from you! A word of warning about who you talk to girl...this is your life. Bieng abl to share feelings and thoughts is a big part of what makes me whole. This is a good place to be here at TW. Mere,
    • 141 posts
    April 17, 2006 4:23 PM BST I'm thinking, "Is there a correlation between being trans and not being able to keep a secret?"

    I came out my mother – a traumatic moment for me. She'd known... for years.

    I came out to my sister – my heart stopped. She'd always wondered as had her husband. later I was to learn even her friends took my declaration as nothing more than 'final confirmation of what we'd thought all along'.

    If there was one disappointment in the joy of acceptance at my coming out, it was that I realized, completely the opposite of what I had thought all my life, my stellar performance at hiding hadn't been stellar at all. Why had I even tried?

    Go figure?

    Oh, and congratulations!!
  • April 17, 2006 7:22 PM BST
    Thanks Prissy, you are absolutely right about being careful who you talk to. I've made some mistakes in who I thought I could tell my life to and have regreted it a bit, but nothing overly bad has happened. I have learned when the moments are right and when there not.

    I think I can tell the difference....I only hope I can recognize those moments correctly. I really feel know that I want to be a part of this site to get the proper support and build some trusting friendships. I've been pretty lonely lately and really need some companionship and others to confide in. I have slowely but surely decided that I must accept this part of me and do the best with it. I belive I am TG.

    Hope to get to know more about the girls here. Thanks for the reply.

    • 2627 posts
    April 13, 2006 11:18 AM BST
    That had to realy feel good. I guess if you have a big grin on your face for a week or so we'll know why.

    Prepared for the worst & get the best

    That was a nice way to start my morning.
    • 2573 posts
    April 13, 2006 10:05 PM BST
    There's nothing like it when you share your darkest secret and you get that kind of response. Hooray for your brother and niece.
    • Moderator
    • 2463 posts
    April 15, 2006 1:53 PM BST
    Prissy, my apologies in responding to this Blog. I just haven't been much in a communicating mood lately.

    I am happy to read your posting. It's great to have such good news like this. I hope this all continues to work out for you.

    • Moderator
    • 2463 posts
    April 17, 2006 4:39 PM BST
    Prissy, what I meant to say was my apologies in responding SO LATE to your thread!

    My mood is so much better now. So there!!!!