weli it's out there now

    • 515 posts
    May 27, 2006 10:31 PM BST
    Well I did the hardest thing I have ever done I told my mother to day OMG I was so frightened of what was going to happen next, but it was OK she did not hit the roof like I expected but in stead she wanted to comfort me and kept asking why I had not told her sooner and it would have cleared up a lot of misunderstandings.
    I could not believe I was getting into trouble for not coming out to her sooner. How about that !!!!!

    Hugs a very happy Sara
  • May 28, 2006 3:04 AM BST

    Wow! That's great to hear. Should have told her sooner, maybe, but you have to do it when you're ready which you did. Wonderfull


    ~Valerie x x
    • 374 posts
    May 29, 2006 12:46 PM BST
    Way to go Sara! I'm glad things went so well for you. Your mom sounds like a sweetie. Now it's time for her to get to know her new daughter

    Hugs & kisses,

  • May 29, 2006 6:31 PM BST
    Hi Sara,

    Congratz!!!! Sounds like May 27th is a new "Rebirthday" for you. I hope this coming month goes well and you can share who Sara really is inside with your mom.

    Take Care,

    Michelle Lynn
    • 515 posts
    May 31, 2006 10:12 AM BST
    Wow thank you for all your sweet comments I am over whelmed with the support and compassion you all have for me. I really think that I owe every one a big hug of thanks, as you all have played a large part in my confidence level.
    Things are going well my mum is so special to me and I hate that in a way I hurt her, but now she is starting to understand me. Which she said is the first time in many years, and there dose not seem to be a front any more and I am so much more natural, and affectionate toward her.

    I have to say it thank you again for your help and support through this very tuff time.
    Love and hugs
  • June 1, 2006 9:53 PM BST
    Congratulations Sara,
    What a wonderful beginning for you girl. May your days all be wonderful from here on in. I hope to echo your success one day but the thought of someone having such a win makes me extremely happy for you.
    Belinda xxxooo
    • 515 posts
    June 17, 2006 8:45 PM BST
    Well I have been out to my parents for a month now and things are starting to settle down I think, there are still a lot of doubts in their harts but at least there is some sense of acceptance which is some thing I never thought I would get. My mum made an off the cuff remark that made me stop dead in my tracks. Some times if I have been agitated I get all hot and flustered and I was trying to describe it her while it was happening. She just happy as you please said “Oh that is some thing we have to put with” I was stunned and silent. She asked me if I was all right I told her I was but I was stunned and speechless she asked why explained the we in her sentence and she said “well we do” in that moment I felt so close and completely accepted by my mum it was unbelievable..
    • 515 posts
    August 12, 2006 4:58 AM BST
    I thought I would update this tread a little as things have moved on, some things for the positive and some not so good at all.
    As regards my family wow they have been so much more than I could have ever imagined possible.

    My mother is getting to the point were she is embracing the idea of me being her daughter more than her son and I find that so very comforting. She as done lots of research into what is going to happen to me in time and she fear’s the surgeries, and I told here I do to but not for what they are going to do for me but the risk of things going wrong. I so want my face done and IT turned in so I never have to see it again and if the opportunity arose before I finished this post it would never get posted. She did make me laugh with one comment “you’ve always been a squatter any how so what difference will it make” omg I laughed so hard.

    My brother well he just dose not care one way or the other really. Just do what ever makes you happy is his comment.

    My step farther is being totally supportive and that is the part that really blows me away now, as we have spent so many years not getting along and not liking each other it is an amazing turn around. I hope this is going to be the end of our life long conflict and at last we can get close. Just maybe he see’s me at last for who I am and always have been.

    My second mom is trying to understand but really doesn’t want to see it. She loves me very much but can’t comprehend what is going on. She is trying and really that is all I can ask of her.

    My “X” is now fully aware of who I am and what is going on and she is trying to understand. At least I got an apology for what she did to me in court she said she really didn’t understand any of it at the time. This is going to take time.

    I have informed all my former lovers both male and female that I could still get hold of and got a lot of mixed reactions there some really nasty one to some nice ones. Quite a few comments said a version of “Oh so what has taken you so long” I have got similar comment from my friends to. It just goes to show how many people really knew me and how many really didn’t.

    Which brings me to the last area work and that is going to be the worst of them all as it has been made clear to me that the current thinking with in the company is that I will have to leave once things get to obvious. That is not going to be good at all I have started looking around for a new position but it is hard going right now so I have to employ a stealth method as best I can until I can no longer do it or get a job with in an accepting company.

    • 515 posts
    August 13, 2006 6:23 AM BST
    Thank you honey
    Take care
    • 2627 posts
    May 27, 2006 11:08 PM BST
    How about that!!!

    Thats wonderfull Sara. I'm so happy for you.
    • 2068 posts
    May 28, 2006 2:12 PM BST
    Thats SO good to hear sara....you must be so happy the way things have tuned out. Go for it girl!

    Love & xxxxxxxx
    • Moderator
    • 2463 posts
    May 29, 2006 3:03 PM BST
    Hi Sara,
    Although I've already told you this personally, I'll add it here anyway!

    I'm happy for you. My dad had a similar reaction - why didn't you say something earlier? At least now you can proceed. Good luck.

    • 1980 posts
    May 29, 2006 3:13 PM BST
    Hi Sara-

    I think that's so awesome, good for you. Coming out to family is so hard, myself I have come out to numerous friends but the only family members who know about Joni (aside from my wife) are my mother-in-law (not your stereotypical m-i-l) and one of my brothers who happens to be gay, so that made him an easy choice. Coming out to other family members I think will be really hard.

    It sounds like your Mom is a wonderful person with a wonderful daughter.

    • Moderator
    • 2463 posts
    August 12, 2006 2:06 PM BST
    Thanks for the update. I am glad things are moving better for you. Your posting also drives home the point that while some may be accepting, the roadblocks are still there. I like your approach to this situation. Good luck.
