Getting Hormones in Sydney Australia

    • 64 posts
    July 5, 2006 11:25 PM BST
    Hello Girls, i'd post this in the Australian forum but it doesn't work!!
    If u are looking for the right Contacts to get yourself started down the path to hormones then here are some current contacts in Sydney.
    Dr John Parkinson ph: 02 9251 8272
    Apparently he is THE guy in sydney, i have my appointment booked with him for the end of this month.
    The 2nd place is the Andrology unit @ Concord Hospital.
    Dr Anne Conway ph: 02 9767 7222

    I hope this info helps any other girls here in Sydney

    • 64 posts
    July 30, 2006 10:33 PM BST
    Well today is the appointment
    now i just have to wait till 4.30 this arvo. (Checks watch) Damn it's only 7.30 am.
    Wish me luck girls, hopefully this will be the start down the path to being the woman i want to be

    • 64 posts
    July 31, 2006 10:30 PM BST
    Hi Katie,
    Well the appointment went well, the Doc says that things all going to plan, it will be about 3 months b4 he will send me to an Endo
    YAY!!!! (does happy dance)
    As for the Australian forum, it lets me post but the only visable post is the one from yourself about it being there for us Aussie girls. Even the last post 3/4/06 (which i assume is the one by me) is not visable.
    I use Mozilla firefox ( IE doesn't show it either ) on a PC
    Hope that helps

    • 64 posts
    August 7, 2006 4:48 AM BST
    Something Else i forgot to mention is that Real Life Experiance is not needed here. The Shrink that i have been seeing does not believe that it is a practical for most girls to do b4 they start hormones. There is still obviously the evaluation period but u don't have to do the RLE b4 they will prescribe u HRT

    Just letting u know
    • 2127 posts
    July 31, 2006 12:09 AM BST
    Hi Simone,

    I've just checked the Australian forum and can't find anything wrong with it. Apart from the fact that there aren't many posts in it, it's working perfectly.

    Please let me know what happens when you try to post there and if you receive any kind of error message, please let me know what it says? If there is a problem, we need to fix it immediately.

    Having said that, this is the correct forum for this subject. It'll be interesting to hear how your appointment went.


    Katie x