Why Bother Coming out! by Gianna E

  • September 26, 2006 9:23 PM BST
    This is an amazing article, that tackles all the things one should think about when coming out particularly in relationship e.g. wife.
    Those of you that know me know what I'm going through, this article certainly helped me. In working through how to come out of the closet.

    Here is the link

    Even if you out I think you would find it an interesting read, and possibly a helpful resource for others asking for advice.

    Huggs Lucy
    • 1980 posts
    October 1, 2006 3:59 PM BST
    Hi Lucy-

    Thank you so much for posting this link, I found it very helpful and informative. More than anything, the advice to give due consideration to whether disclosure will enhance a relationship, whether the relationship is that of SO, personal friend, co-worker or boss, is very sound. I suppose, perhaps, the motto might be, "when in doubt, don't come out". While I am personally out to my SO and several friends and would love to wear my "TG AND PROUD" t-shirt everyday and in some ways don't care if everyone knows (What are they going to do? Take away my birthday?) there are still many, many other friends and relations who don't know and probably never will. Whew, talk about a convoluted sentence.

    Okay, better stop before I'm off on one of my rambles. Thanks again, Lucy. Hope you're having a great day.
