Good Morning 10-3-06

    • Moderator
    • 515 posts
    October 2, 2006 9:26 AM BST
    Good morning Ladies and Gents.
    I hope that you all had a good weekend and are refreashed for the coming week. I hope the Monday blues will past very soon
    It is really dark again this morning and to me is the first reminder that the fall is on its way. time to pull out the boots girls or go shopping for a new pair
    Oh well it is time for me to go shower and get ready for work, again have a nice day.
    Love you all to bits
  • October 2, 2006 9:39 AM BST
    It's only 0435 A.M. here on the 2nd day of October. Guess, your in some other time zone. But I have a long way to go today. Have to work on daughters car outside, not looking forward to it. Guess I'll wear my pntyhose to keep my legs warm and hope that's enough. DeeDee
    • Moderator
    • 515 posts
    October 3, 2006 9:22 AM BST
    Hey every one knows i am going nuts or am nuts .........oops did i really miss a day mmmmmmmm yep it sure looks like i did !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh well let me say this one the right day Good morning boys and girls DeeDee and Sara (omg now i am talking to my self) and you know what it is still a dark cool day this morning

    Love ya all to bits
    • 2627 posts
    October 3, 2006 2:26 PM BST
    Good Morning!!

    Sara I saw that yesterday but I've done it before to so I thought I'd let you catch it. In fact my very first morning post I got the date wrong. lol

    Very damp & rainy here. But I still have to get my walk in.

    Have a good day!!
    • 2463 posts
    October 3, 2006 3:14 PM BST
    Good morning all

    We had some very violent storms here yesterday. At least this time I was at home and not on the boat. Just when I was chatting here the power went out and stayed out for hours. But I received the loveliest card from Lexi, so that made my day.

    More rain to come. I'm supposed to see my kid but I might cancel if more storms are coming.
