Hi another newbie.

    • 4 posts
    January 5, 2007 1:19 AM GMT

    My name is Angela Hillary and I am a newbie on this forum. I am quite private at this point in my life while I figure things out. I have been on hormones for about 2 months now and I am still deciding which direction I am headed. My heart says one thing and my head tells me another. I guess I am no different from anyone else. At this point I am following my heart. I have been to the Dr and I am moving forward with my transition. Whether or not I take the ultimate step time will tell. My heart says "go for it" and my head says "hold on missy lets make sure this is truely what you want".

    I have always known I was in the wrong body since I can remember. I crossdressed from about the age of 6 and in to my early teens but family issues forced a change. Over the past few years the "feelings" have resurfaced and they have become more compelling than ever. That is why I have taken the step with hormones. Luckily my Dr is open minded and is willing to let me explore to determine where I want to be. I need to add that I feel *great*. Initally I sought out a therapist and the conclusion was "I am an odd bird". Bird.... um British for female. Actually I think I irritated the therapist because I would pose questions. Needless to say I did not get anywhere with the therapist. What I did walk away with is I am the only who can answer the questions.

    One a personal note I am lucky because I work from home in the technology world and while the transition is taking place I do not need to worry about co-workers etc. I am however concerned about my family because I have not completely come out of the closet (One family member knows what I am doing and is ok). I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

    So, there you have it a brief snippet about Angie.
    • 65 posts
    January 6, 2007 2:50 PM GMT
    Hi Angela
    Welcome to trannyweb and good luck on your jurney to womanhood.
    hugs Mandy xxx
  • January 6, 2007 6:34 PM GMT
    Hi Angela,
    Welcome to TWeb. Your gonna love it here. I think I can promise you that you are going to find just about any information you need here, plus many many friends. TW, by far, is the best place on the net as far as I am concerned. Hugs and Kisses.
    • 71 posts
    January 6, 2007 11:03 PM GMT
    Hi Angela,
    You've come to the right place at TW.
    We're a very mixed bunch here, but it'll take you no time at all to make friends- the girls here are all FAB! (& that's coming from a GG)

    Enjoy our community.


    • 4 posts
    January 7, 2007 12:56 AM GMT
    Thanks for the welcome... It is greatly appreciated.

    FWIW - I make one mean cup of coffee.

    • 140 posts
    January 7, 2007 11:14 AM GMT
    Angela: Welcome to the home of many many girls just like you!
    All of us here have a LOT of common threads. So many threads that we almost make a quilt! And a beautiful and colorful quilt it is! A wonderful place to come for encouragement and support.
    A place with so many great girls that will, if nothing else, lend you a sympathetic ear and often a shoulder to cry on. Again Welcome home! Jackie
    • 1652 posts
    January 5, 2007 2:02 AM GMT
    Hi Angela and welcome. I hope you find the answers to your questions within yourself (cheaper than paying a therapist). I’m sure you will, that’s what voyages of discovery are all about.
    Transitioning is a very personal thing and unique to everyone, but I hope if you do decide to tell them that your family will accept you for who you really are, as mine have, apart from my dad who’s just being ignorant. I can live with that. I certainly couldn’t live with the pretence any more; having to try to live up to people’s expectations and behave like a bloke.
    Once you get over those few initial barriers it soon gets a lot easier.
    I am so much happier now, even though I still have a long way to go.
    Good luck girl, whatever you decide.
    • 2463 posts
    January 6, 2007 1:07 PM GMT
    Hi Angela,

    First of all, welcome to out little corner of insanity. You'll love it here.

    Second, if your therapist is a bit of a wanker, then get a new one. Trust me, there is one out there who can help.

    Third, GO FOR IT!!!

    Fourth, the newbies are expected to have the coffee made in the morning. Sorry, rules are rules (wait, I am an Anarchist, I don't have rules). Still............

    • 2573 posts
    January 7, 2007 1:50 PM GMT
    Hi Angela,

    I'm a psychiatric nurse and It's my job to hand out the medication in the morning around here.....sorry, I overslept.

    • Moderator
    • 1980 posts
    January 7, 2007 2:17 PM GMT
    Hi Angela-

    Welcome to the group, hon. I love your name, my best g-girl pal is named Angela, too. I'm sure you'll love it here, there are t-girls and t-guys from every part of the world and every walk of life, I'm sure you'll find lots of friends to share things with.

    Meredith may be an Anarchist, but she still likes her coffee in the morning. ..'nuff said. And as for Wendy, she definitely is a psycho nurse, no wait, she said psychiatric, never mind.<g>

    Hope you like it here, Angela.

    Hugs...Joni Marie