Back for good...honest

  • January 27, 2007 11:12 PM GMT
    Hi girls, not entirely "new" here, but I have been away for quite some time now, partially from a relationship going south but mainly because I finally seem to have done my self-analysing and realised that "this" is most definately what I want to do - quite a relief really, the horrible nagging little gremlin called "Doubt" has reared its head way too many times in the past, resulting in my being in and out of heels more often than most people change their underwear. Now I have throttled the gremlin im back, this time 100% comitted (or maybe I should be comitted lol), this time I have embraced the inner girl and gone the whole way, make-up, "hair" etc....although my early attempts resemble some kind of face painting experiment at McDonalds gone wrong - no stranger to wearing heels etc, been doing that for long enough to have that down to a fine art!!!. Anyway, as is usual for me, im rattling Hi, and prepare yourselves for a barrgae of face painting...errrr, I mean make-up related questions . Oh, lastly, to anyone I knew here previously I apologise for my unannounced departure
  • January 28, 2007 3:22 PM GMT
    Glad to be back Joni, and what a relief it finally is to finally have stopped questioning myself and coming to terms with who I really am. Honestly this realisation and acceptance has actually been harder to get through than the break up of my relationship - so im glad I finally have arrived!!. And thanks for the welcome back
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    • 1980 posts
    January 28, 2007 1:45 PM GMT
    Hi Andrea-

    Welcome back to TW, girl, it's nice to have you back. And I'm very sorry to hear about your relationship, I hope things get better from here on out. As far as the doubt thing, I don' think any of us here are strangers to it, it's a pretty common affliction. It does help to realize, as you have, that being TG isn't something that's going to just go away or something we can bury if we try really, really hard. Being TG is part and parcel of who we really are, but having doubts and concerns about expressing it kind of go along with it, at least it's been that way for me.

    As far as makeup, there are lots and lots of girls here who are really good at it and who will be happy to share what they know. The main thing, at least as far as I'm concerned, is to have fun with it and try different looks (even, or especially, ones you wouldn't ever, ever wear out in public) and just play around. It all washes off, after all.

    Glad you're back.

    Hugs...Joni Marie
    • 2017 posts
    January 28, 2007 8:19 PM GMT
    Welcome back Andrea, a lot of us have probably gone through similar experiences in our pasts. I know I tried on several occasions to get rid of Nikki but she just keeps coming back!! In the end, I realised it was because she was the real me, so I just had to come to terms with the fact and let her free. I haven't looked back since.