Trannies and the Patriot Act

    • 1083 posts
    February 26, 2003 3:11 PM GMT
    Lisa, dear--

    One problem with the concept of "fire them".

    Elections aren't coming fast enough...and too many people are like sheep. (If you listen, you'll hear them bleat.) They are more than willing to fork over their civil liberties to "be protected" from the terroist threat.
    Just like people were willing to hand them over to be saved from the Communist threat, Senator McCarthy.

    In short...too many people see terrorists and Communists and Evil Empires behind every tree... and under every Bush.

    Luv 'n hugs,

    Jayne Sakura
    "Almost-Angel, T-Girl Genius, and Ultra-Flirt"
    • 539 posts
    February 25, 2003 1:22 AM GMT
    During times of stress, the government often cracks down on anyone who is different.  Just look at what Joe McCarthy did in the 1950's.  Anyone who does not conform to the social norms of the leaders who have bought their positions can potentially be a target.  I could see them try to crack down on trannies, especially if we become more visible.

    Heather H.
    • 539 posts
    February 26, 2003 9:32 PM GMT
    Getting back to the point that "the majority rules", a major reason that we have a constitution which protects our rights is that majority rule can easily turn into tyrannical mob rule if there are no checks on the majority.  The way things are supposed to work is that the majority generally runs things but is prohibited from infringing upon the rights of minorities.  Unfortunately, during times of stress, the majority often tries to overstep its bounds and the courts sometimes go along with it.  We always pay for it in the long run.

    Regarding running for office, being a politician looks like a horrible job.  I spent two 2-year terms as a delegate to the local and state Democratic Party conventions.  That is as far as I want to go.  Those conventions are boring!

    Heather H.
    • 1083 posts
    February 26, 2003 8:39 PM GMT

    Have you ever considered a career in politics?

    Lisa, hon--

    Thank you; you are a dear. I really appreciate the nice thoughts. It really is awfully sweet of you. And, you are not the first person to ask....

    Jayne: Brilliant solution! When are you running for president? I'll vote for you.

    Sue, dear--

    I agree totally with Douglas Adams: "Anyone who wants the job of President is barred from ever running for the office" (Or words to that effect; see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for further.) I also agree with the late Pat Paulsen: "If nominated, I will not run, and if elected, I will not serve." ;D  

    I have ABSOLUTELY NO desire to run for such an can't vote for me even if I were running (though the thought is really sweet!)...besides--I don't have a single thing to wear for candidating! 

    Don't care if you want it or not, Jayne for world pres. I agree on all your points,especially the first and last!

    This is getting a little scary for me. I really don't think I am qualified for public office. Political Humorist, maybe. Professional Curmudgeon, definitely in another 20-30 years or so. (Not sure what a curmudgeon is? Watch Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes.) But any serious political office? Oh, puh-leeeze. I am honored--but my comments above still hold, Suekie notwithstanding. I still have nothing to campaign in...and don't really want the job.

    Although....I'd run if Stevie ran. (Why not?) I can just see us both in office: "Would the Senator Trannies from Indiana and Tennessee please make their point and sit down?"It'd be even better if you, Heather H and Ricka joined in; we'd have a Tranny Caucus. Anyone else wanna join in the fun? If we all ran--and won--what could we do to better the country, and world relations? ???

    Now there's a scary thought...:o

    Luv 'n hugs,

    Jayne Sakura
    "Almost-Angel, T-Girl Genius, and Ultra-Flirt"
    • 1083 posts
    February 24, 2003 8:07 PM GMT
    Hi luvs--

    Today, I went into the bank where I have a joint account under my femme and homme names. I saw something that chilled me to the bone.

    It was a little placard that was topped by the words, "The Patriot Act", and listed what banks are now required--by Federal Law--to do.

    Here's some samples, that I have culled fgrom a number of sites: "As Sec. 326 of the Act is written today, you have to verify the identity not only of account holders, but also of all individual signatories on an account, regardless of how many."

    "As amended, section 5318(h)(1) requires every financial institution to establish an anti-money laundering program that includes, at a minimum, (i) the development of internal policies, procedures, and controls; (ii) the designation of a compliance officer; (iii) an ongoing employee training program; and (iv) an independent audit function to test programs."

    No big deal, right? These are all well and good for banks to do...until you consider that many trannies (such as myself) have accounts. If the Feds really want to clamp down and "clean up America" (read--bust everyone that doesn't think like we do), what better way to do it than this?

    Plus, they can get info from ISP's and other Internet sites...meaning they can track every online move we make, every digitized cell call, etc.  

    Big Brother isn't just watching anymore--he's threatening to take our ball, slam us into the basement, and toss the keys away.

    Paranoid? Maybe. But I think this has gotten way out of hand.

    Comments are welcome. Better make 'em while you can.

    Luv 'n hugs,

    Jayne Sakura
    "Almost-Angel, T-Girl Genius, and Ultra-Flirt"
  • April 5, 2003 10:55 PM BST
    Hi everyone:

    What is being said here is what most Americans seem very unaware of. They buy the glossy spins coming out of the present regime and fail miserably to read the fine print.

    What the case is, as I understand it, is that there have been these types of totalitarian minded individuals around for a long time but they haven't been able to have their way-until now.

    Now we have a rather simple minded so-called leader who is surrounded by vipers who represent a few major special interest groups and individuals who see most of the population as their work force which needs to be controlled for their benefit. Or as the religious right, (another special interest group who controls our fearless leader) sees it, they now have the right person in place to force their bastardized/Americanized self-created view of religion down everyone's throats. Now take one guess just WHO doesn't fit into their "Stepford" view of the world.

    The bottom line, as I see it, we have a bunch of rotten apples running the cart who need to be replaced ASAP afterwhich it's going to take some time and effort to undo the damage they've done.

    I for one am waiting with bated breath for the next big election. Maybe this time Florida, (and I was there at the time), will learn how to vote.

    Just the way I see it.


  • March 31, 2003 4:23 AM BST
    I came across this in today`s newspaper,
    " No member of congress, including those on key comittees, was aware that the Justice Department was working on the "Domestic Security Enhancement of 2003" (Patriot Act 2) when a draft was leaked last month"
    The new measures would:
    1. Allow local police to spy on civil-rights and other groups, despite any court ordered consent decrees against doing so imposed because of past abuses.
    2. Create a database of "suspected terrorists" including anyone associated with any group designated as terrorist by the government.
    3. Allow the attorney general to revoke the citizenship of anyone who has provided support, even an unknowing donation, to a designated terrorist group - and then deport or indefinitely detain that person.
  • February 26, 2003 1:02 PM GMT
    As for Big Brother; if you don't like him, fire him. Hire the people you choose to represent you and your interests. The government is not some separate entity. You are the government. In Orwell's 1984, people learned they could do whatever they wanted when they stepped behind the cameras. In Tales Of Power, Juan Matus says that Mexicans survived centuries of oppression by holding on to the customs that made them different. The Spanish had no interest in what the Mexicans were doing and left them alone.
  • February 26, 2003 12:48 PM GMT
    Suekie: I think you cut right to the point precisely. Our rights only extend to the point that they infringe on those of others. Have you ever noticed how people smile more and say excuse me more in crowded rooms than when they are alone? Have you also ever noticed how quickly confrontational anger dissolves when you look someone in the eyes, smile, and say I'm sorry?
    • 530 posts
    February 24, 2003 9:18 PM GMT
    Look on the bright side-there is one less country to look at when searching for our Trannytown site.

    Big Brother is Watching YOU.And Listening to YOU.
    And Reading YOU.Take that one how you think fit

    Do you think womens or mens prisons will be better? Or maybe they will have to open one just for us? If we ever get out,we can have a poll on it

    Salem? McCarthy?

    I know it sounds frivolous,but I just can't help making fun of the establishment when it goes beyond a joke.And that act ain't no joke.Surely it must infringe on peoples rights? I hope Smiling Tony never follows the same route.

  • February 26, 2003 7:27 PM GMT
    Jayne: It's as you say, the majority rules. Most elected representatives are very good at understanding public sentiment and can change an opinion in an instant. There are very few who work for special interest groups because it's the majority who elect them. For some  interesting reading go to google and key in  "removal from office". It's very easy to remove an elected official from office. There's no need to wait for an election. But then there's that majority thing again and most people don't get that upset easily. Have you ever considered a career in politics?