September 18, 2007 2:53 PM BST
hallo people, im 19 now (ts) i did post on here a few years ago and been on the chat every now and then when i need to be cheered up. I've finally managed to get on the list as it were my doctor after like a year got me an appointment with a shrink and i found out im not mad ^_^ so now I've been past on to a specialist hoping to speak to them with in the next month or two, feeling a little down at the mo as me and my gf split up
but it was a mutual agreement we are still friends
more like sisters really. post was really just to say hi to any one that remembers my name my typing style my look or my terrible grammar. also on a good note I've told all my work colleges
and there all cool with it one of the female employees even said they'd help me with my hair ^_^ some people really are awesome out there, on a downer tho i got hit by a landrover O_o nothing serious lets just say i wont be wearing skirts for a while... ooooo and one more thing a theoretical question if a stranger said to you they would pay for everything you ever wanted if you gave up every thing and moved to another country what would you do?