Hello all

    • 7 posts
    October 3, 2007 6:31 PM BST
    Well, I was asked to introduce myself yesterday, and so here I am. I started wearing female clothing at a very young age. I am sure you all can relate. Around the age of 5-7 I guess was the time, I started to wonder when I would change into the little girl I wanted to be, and who my mother always said I was so post be be her little girl. I would pray at night, and when I would wake up it was the same old thing, no not today. My mother found out I was sneaking her items to wear, and said nothing to me. She found them again, and this time only said you can not do this, that was it. Time past and I grew older, but I always wanted to be female. I would always wait for Halloween because that was the one day I could dress as the girl I wanted to be. Time past, I stopped dressing, but always had the same desire. I played many sports, and tried to do masculine things to cure my desire. I got married, and found myself buying clothes and dressing up at home when I was alone. My wife found out, and needless to say was not supportive, but very abusive towards me, and not at all understanding. She filed divorce and we went our way. I have purged several times, but have come to the realization that never works, so I stopped fighting it. I am at the point in my life, when I am truly happiest is when I am Dianna. I get a real sense of calm over me as her. I am older, then some and have read so much, but that only leads to more questions. I found Tranny Web, and instantly felt at home. I am still on the fence with what I should do now. I have re-married, and made a cardinal sin, by not telling her about Dianna. At this point I really am at a crossroad. The photo is me, with make up done by a friend, and the only person who knows about Dianna.

    Well, I hope that helps in introducing myself, I have let you all into my soul. Now what?

    I also posted this in the General Forum, sorry it is twice. Still learning where to go