hi all im new here

  • January 25, 2008 7:10 PM GMT
    From the age of 5 years old, remembering playing in the playground while girls were playing girly games and I was getting upset while they were making daisy chains in the summer months at school - I wanted to be them more and more.

    As I grew older and wiser I realised these female feelings were getting harder and harder to cope with .Things got harder. At a very young age up until I left school I was bullied because I was quiet and different to all the guys, so I was easily upset and very emotional. I never could concentrate as a child because all I could think of is that I wanted to be female.

    I left school with very few academic qualifications and as soon as I left school I went on an apprenticeship to be a mechanic that lasted about 6 months, I couldn’t cope because the Gender Dysphoria was getting uncontrollable. So then enough was enough and I went to see a councillor called Kay Yates (post op Ts). I found her in a local magazine. She then said to me I had gender identity disorder. I thought ‘oh my God’. I was shocked because well I knew nothing about the condition at the time, I then thought its about time I told mom and dad and mom said ‘oh don’t worry about it its only a phase your going through’. Then I told mom that it wasn’t - she disagreed with me.

    Then I started I started at a company called Kingfisher Kustoms where I was going to start a part and distribution course, thinking that this would be an ace job and lead to other prospects for me. As myself being a Volkswagen Beetle fanatic and this was a Vw specialist it would be straight up my street. My depression with wanting to be female was getting worse and worse. So then I told mom that I cant cope any longer, so she told me she new of a doctor that was transsexual - Dr Joyce Martyn. She put me on a course of tablets for my severe depression. She also diagnosed me with gender identity disorder. At this time my self-appearance was getting worse and worse and I wasn’t cleaning my body because I was so dysmorphic about it. Dr Martyn soon left. I was soon to be 18 and I thought I cant carry with living a act and I was living 2 lives and knowing the way that I was born the wrong gender.

    Soon I left Kingfisher Kustoms. I left due to the fact that while I was working for them they couldn’t accept the revelation that I was transsexual. They told me I couldn’t work for them as a Female. So I left on the basis of discrimination. Then I knew the only road for me was the road of transitioning to be female. Then Dr Jones, my new doctor, referred me to Dr Tim Tarry of Leicester G.I.C which was a mistake because it was a waste of my time and his as he was a surgeon and not a psychologist. I started my real life test in the October of 2004 and then I paid to see someone private – Dr. Russell Reid a psychologist in London. I have been seeing him over the last 6 months. As soon as I started my real life test I legally changed my name, then I started the beginning of my new life.

    Since then my family have become very open minded to the fact that I am female. I am very lucky that my parents accept me as transsexual and accept me as their daughter. My family have been very accepting I believe that I am so lucky to have them and if it wasn’t for them I don’t know were I’d be.

    This was over 3 years ago still having some major ups and downs and still finding things hard at times but on the whole I love living my life and can honestly say I am proud to be whom I am
    • 1195 posts
    January 25, 2008 7:59 PM GMT
    Gemma - Welcome to TW. Read the forums and make yourself at home here. You'll encounter a great many nice girls.
  • January 27, 2008 4:52 PM GMT
    Welcome girl. Are you going to have fun. Hope you know how to make a good cup of coffee.

    Wendy Michelle
    • Moderator
    • 1980 posts
    January 25, 2008 7:40 PM GMT
    Hi Gemma-<big hug>

    It sounds like your journey has been a difficult one for you but you seem to be on the right path. Good for you, I so hope it all works out for the best. And good for you also that your family has come to accept you as your real self. Hon, TW is a wonderful place for all us girls with gender issues, you can find support and advice as well as all sorts of resources. And mainly you can find understanding people and friendship. I'm glad you've found us, you are so welcome here. I hope you stick around.

    Hugs...Joni Marie
    • 2017 posts
    January 25, 2008 8:36 PM GMT
    Hi Gemma, welcome to TW, our little haven of sanity in a crazy world.

    • 530 posts
    January 27, 2008 6:03 PM GMT
    Hi Gemma, and welcome to TW.

    You're looking good in your pic. Take your time to have a look round the site, there is much to see.
    And I hope you enjoy your stay, and it's a long one.

    Nuff said. Any more about me or other members can be found elsewhere.

    Sue. XX
  • January 29, 2008 8:56 PM GMT
    Hi Gemma, Welcome to TW hon prolly the best support site on the net, i am Sure you will make lots of friends here. this is a very friendly place and i hope to see you in chat sometime wheni i'm awake lol.

    Hugs Sammi x