So what's all the fuss about Obama?

    • 1912 posts
    February 4, 2008 11:04 PM GMT
    Porscha, you are just so astute. Obama is better than Hilliary only in the sense people believe they can trust him, same goes for McCain. Neither one brings much to the table so maybe that is also good. The less gov't tries to do, the better off we are.

    The problem is one side likes to work the class envy and make people believe they are going to tax the wealthy more when the wealthy already are paying 75% of the taxes, not much left really to take. For whatever reason the economy seems to be a big concern, unemployment is only 4.9% and we still have growth in the GDP, just not as much as before. The credit crunch is just getting played out in politics. People are dreaming if they think any of the candidates are going to pull our troops out of Iraq, won't happen, look for the same exact policies on iraq.

    Of course there is the McCain side of things, he is basically a Democrat, possibly worse than most democrats. Let's see, McCain was for amnesty for the illegal aliens from Mexico. McCain is the one who co-sponsored the bill to limit american's freedom of speech for political contributions, limiting individuals like myself but allowing organizations like George Sorros. McCain loves to spend other peoples money, therefore he has already stated he doesn't want to continue the tax cuts.

    So if people truly cared about the economy they would vote for someone like Mitt Romney who has experience in the large financial sector rather than some lifetime politician who enjoys spending other peoples money. As for the war, you can feel good with a vote for Obama or Ron Paul, but neither would change anything. And universal healthcare, lol, get real. There is not enough money out there to deal with it right now.

    Oh and because there are so many European gals here at TW, a tidbit of info. The average "poor" person in the U.S. has a higher standard of living then the average european. Note, I did not say average poor european. Our politicians pander to these people because number 1, they are stupid and always have their hands out. They do not pay ANY income tax in this country. So next time you hear your favorite politician say they are going to cut the poor peoples taxes and increase the taxes on the wealthy, just remember there is nothing to cut, all it is is bringing more money in for politicians to spend.

    Marsha's 2cents about these political creeps. By the way, I will vote for Romney in tomorrows primary. I'm not saying he is anything that great, but when you have politicians that druel over spending money, you need someone with economic knowledge to find creative ways of bringing it in without out hurting everyday people like you and me.

    Again for you non U.S. gals, the most important thing a U.S. President does is select judges to defend our constitution. Sadly we have had Presidents that select individuals that attempt to legislate from the bench. The U.S. is what it is because of our constitution.


    • 448 posts
    February 4, 2008 6:00 PM GMT
    Well he's black, and the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world, may be close to electing a black man as its President. Exciting times indeed for look at the alternatives, a woman, an actively participating member of a religious cult, or a man well past retirement age who in another life, familiar to many, would now be collecting the trolleys at his local B & Q to make ends meet. I heard a group of MP's interviewed and they were asked who they thought should be the next U.S President, the popular consensus was that it should be Obama. Why? Because it would be good for the United States to have its first black President. Is then the only reason for voting for him. Isn't it just as racist to vote for someone according to their ethnicity as it is not to vote for them on the same grounds. Should one's colour be the only criteria. This is dream time for the politically correct crowd. No matter what ones political persuasion we can all sound right on by supporting Obama, and at the same time assuage our collective white guilt. I wonder if the enthusiasm would be the same if the Reverend Al Sharpton was on the verge of winning the Democratic nomination. Dare I say he represents a different kind of black. You should vote for the person you believe to be the best candidate, or the one who most closely represents your views, or whatever, but not according their colour, their religion, their gender or their sexuality. Or just how naive am I. And why won't people be honest, why don't they say what they mean. I didn't realise I was a diversity issue. An MP remarked that in the 1980's the terrorist threat came from the I.R.A and as a result many young Irishmen were victims of stop and search. He then went on to say that now that threat comes from a different part of the population. He means Muslims. We all know about the bombs on the tube, 9/11, Madrid, Bali and the anti-terror laws. So why don't you say Muslim you mealy-mouthed weasel of a man. Political correctness aaaargh!!!
    • 67 posts
    February 17, 2008 7:39 PM GMT
    i hate reading porsha and masha ann's post because they make me feel soooooooo thick !!!!!!!!!!!!

    vikki xxx