How important is tucking to you?

    • 1912 posts
    March 13, 2008 9:28 PM GMT
    Derek asked about tucking in the tranny youth forum and it got me wondering just how important is tucking to most of the gals here.

    I imagine for some it may give a boost of confidence not to have to worry about an awkward bump, but is it really that important? For me now, it really isn't an issue after being on hormones for so long. My wardrobe contains a little bit of everything and I can't think of anything I have that tucking is really an issue. In the earlier days I know like many I went through a period that no matter what, I did not want the slightest bit of evidence something was down there.

    So how about everyone else, is being able to tuck important to you? Also I didn't want to hijack Dereks thread on tucking in the youth forum so if you have a great tip please add it to his thread:[...]686106&

    • 404 posts
    March 16, 2008 12:54 PM GMT
    Surely the point is that 'tucking' spares us the embarrassing Mae West(?) question:

    "Is that a gun up your skirt,or are you just pleased to see me?"


    Lynn H.
    • 127 posts
    March 16, 2008 1:48 PM GMT
    I don't mind tucking when I amd dressed, but for me, when in male mode I wear an up-lifting pantie to improve my butt. I have to try to show a bump down there but I am sure everone knows anyway.

    • 127 posts
    March 16, 2008 5:04 PM GMT
    I can relate Joni, I have come to like the way I look, walk and just general appearance.
    • 1912 posts
    March 17, 2008 10:58 AM GMT
    I have to agree with Rae and Joelle. When I first brought the question up I was referring to tucking as moving the testes up into the abdominal cavity and wondering if that was even necessary or maybe just shifting things around was sufficient. I've read numerous articles and forum threads on elaborate taping and probably everything short of physical castration. The thought of some of these things just makes my skin crawl.

    As far as hormones go, just as Joelle said, they make little if any difference to your lower features. My mention of being on hormones for three years only refers to mentally being comfortable with who I am. Maybe for the fact I am not excessively endowed in the first place I can get away with just shifting things around.

    Just be careful what ever you do.

    • 404 posts
    March 17, 2008 12:55 PM GMT
    Well Marsha,I started off 'just shifting things around' and made the experience that,under certain circumstances,it became very obvious what was where and just what was happening at that particular moment.Pushing the testes up into the body cavity happened more or less automatically with pulling the penis back between the legs and,to be frank,the resultant situation is much more comfortable than with certain types of mens underpants where everything just hangs free.....
    Hormones don't necessarily shrink the penis(unlike a cold bath)..........but they do 'tranquilize' it so that in general,serious tucking,of whatever variety,becomes less important .

    That's my two penn'orth,for what it's worth.....

    Lynn H.
    • 871 posts
    March 17, 2008 4:37 PM GMT
    interesting thread. i always tuck. however, my tucking might not be as efficient as some. i prefer to go with comfortable than for looks. my concern is that if i were to ultra tuck with a perfect look i might cut off the blood circulation and end up destroying the nerve endings that give so much pleasure! lol

    so, if i have a slight bulge i am not too bothered really. i am me, a work in progress, nothing that wont get sorted out in the future.
    • 2017 posts
    March 13, 2008 10:41 PM GMT
    For me, it is very important. Firstly, I'm not on hormones so nothing is getting smaller down there and secondly, and more importantly, I just don't like it!! Therefore, it is very often tucked regardless of how I am dressed. I have to hide the thing away simply for peace of mind. It makes me feel better.

    • 1980 posts
    March 16, 2008 4:02 PM GMT
    Do it all the time, no matter what. It feels uncomfortable not to.

    Hugs...Joni Marie
    • 734 posts
    March 17, 2008 1:48 AM GMT

    I guess it depends on what you were born with, blessed with or cursed with. And where you fit into this pretty large spectrum.

    I don't 'tuck', I can't imagine anything more abhorent - don't ask, I really can't explain! lol

    But neither am I an average MtF so I guess I don't really count per se. I'm not trying to 'pass' or convince, I'm just trying to be 'me' [and that does'nt mean those trying to pass are'nt trying to be themselves! What a minefield!]

    I'm lucky in having been blessed with a mixed up body. I'm sure I must be the only 'guy' to be oh so happy that their 'meat and two veg' is actually way more of a starter than a main course. The 'bump' is minimal and - regardless of what I wish to acieve - its part of me as I am now so I won't hide it. [shucks, you need damned good eyesight to spot it anyway... lol]

    But I can appreciate those for whom it may be a [far] bigger concern. I just can't imagine doing such a thing myself.

    So much love.

    Rae xx
    • 1980 posts
    March 20, 2008 7:06 PM GMT
    Hi again, perhaps we should define what "tucking" means, then. Tucking with a "t" that is, though I suppose the other word so similar to it might require definition as well. To me "tucking", henceforth not in "quotes" (dammit. I did it again!) means simply trying to conceal your male apparatus whether that means tucking part of it up into your body cavity where the boys go when they are cold. As an aside, isn't nature wonderful? In order to survive and make more of themselves sperm (sperms? What is the plural? Spermi?) must be cooler than the rest of the body, so that's why the boys do what they do when they ride the meat elevator) or simply pulling the whole apparatus back behind your legs and slipping on a pair of nice panties perhaps a size smaller than what might be totally comfortable. Which is what I do, the latter one, I mean.

    Speaking for myself, I have tried manipulating my testes up into the body cavity and only gotten a tummy ache for my efforts. They will go up inside if things are not comfy for them, like a really cold shower, but for the life of me, I cannot induce them to take residence in the upper floor, so to speak, just by coaxing them.

    Anyway, to me, tucking means simply tucking the boys and that guy who hangs around with them behind my thighs and pulling up my undies. And yes, at first it felt very uncomfortable, but now I have done it for so long, it feels odd not to.

    OMG, don't we girls talk about the most intimate thing? I love TW for that.

    Hugs...Joni Marie
    • 2017 posts
    March 20, 2008 7:54 PM GMT
    Hiding everything away is sooo important to me, and is something that I do 90% of the time, as Joni so nicely put it, I send them to the upper floor. The other 10% everything is just pulled back out of the way, it depends on what I am wearing and what I am doing really. Horse riding for instance is a bit of a pain, and not in the ar*e either!

    • 734 posts
    March 21, 2008 12:55 AM GMT

    Hey hunni's!

    Ok, I'm on dial-up, so I don't get the chance to revisit a thread and reply too often. So you know this is something close to my heart.

    I repeat. Ugh!!!!!

    How can you do that???

    I know it must be ok, it must be normal. But I really can't imagine 'tucking' as described here. Its - ewww!


    Its not right!

    [ok, I appreciate I may have a phobia on this one...]

    Much love

    Rae xx
    • 530 posts
    March 21, 2008 1:23 AM GMT
    How important is a curious way of phrasing the question.
    I don't rate it as important in itself, but the results of doing so are. The reason for doing so is basically cosmetic, so as to produce a feminine outline when wearing certain clothes, such as tight trousers or swimming costumes.
    I started doing it all the time when I transitioned, and it has now become just a natural action when I get dressed. I don't even think about it any more.
    Important? No.
    • 2017 posts
    March 21, 2008 3:09 PM GMT
    Rae, I'm curious..........

    How do you manage to get a flat feminine front without tucking, (assuming you still have everything there)?

  • March 21, 2008 3:47 PM GMT
    Be careful about lifting the testes up into the abdomen...those inguinal canals are quite small and an average testes is quite big unless hormones have made it shrink but even then it can be a tight squeeze and is not to be recommended even though some martial arts people..especially japanese? are said to tuck before fighting.
    I have seen ultrasound scans of my left inguinal because I have never had a left testes and have been getting a pain at top of right testes which actually isn't anything like a ball-shape and doesn't hang down like it should do. As my blood test showed unusual hormones I want to know if the lack of left testes is responsible and about the right pain.
    Scan machine measured inguinakl at about 10mm dia - its only supposed to need size for sperm tubes as the testes should always be outside the body after puberty? Cold will only cause the muscles to squeeze them tight against the body not back into the inguinals?
    First (private funded) ultrasound said there was nothing in inguinal, second (also private) one said there was a small lump and a cystic area, and third one(NHS) says there is a hard lump with no blood supply stuck in there.
    So I said 'what could it be/is that dangerous as in reported possibility of cancer etc.' GP didn't know (my experience is that GP's don't like genitals) and suggested an MRI scan might clear matters once and for all so now I am waiting for that.
  • March 21, 2008 3:51 PM GMT
    actually a good diet to lose any belly, plus exercise to tone up the muscles, plus the luck to have nice hipbones but most of all hope to be lucky enough to have a feminine size mons venus...add a few years of hormones (and lack of using genitals) to shrink the male bits and a flat front is easy.
    • 2017 posts
    March 21, 2008 8:28 PM GMT
    Well, I have all of the above except the hormones, so it's business as usual for me I guess.

    • 734 posts
    March 21, 2008 11:19 PM GMT
    Hey Nikki!

    I'm just very lucky in not having much of a bulge so, to be honest, I don't really think about it

    Much love

    Rae xx